Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Objective 1: Explore the themes of Brown Girl Dreaming 45 minutes Copy of Brown Girl Dreaming, chart paper, markers Begin by introducing the book Brown Girl Dreaming to the students. Discuss the concept of themes in literature and explain that they will be exploring the themes in this book. Read a selected passage from the book and ask students to identify the themes present. Write the themes on the chart paper. Divide students into small groups and assign each group a different theme to discuss. Have them find examples from the book that support their assigned theme. Each group presents their findings to the class. Review the themes as a class and encourage students to share their thoughts and reflections on the themes in the book. Observe student participation in group discussions and their ability to identify and discuss themes in the book.
Objective 2: Write a summary of Brown Girl Dreaming 60 minutes Copy of Brown Girl Dreaming, paper, pencils Remind students of the importance of summarizing a story. Explain that they will be writing a summary of Brown Girl Dreaming. Read aloud the first few chapters of the book, stopping periodically to discuss key events. Model how to summarize each section after reading. Provide a graphic organizer for students to jot down key points as they listen. Allow students time to write their own summaries of the book using their graphic organizers as a guide. Encourage them to focus on the main events and key messages of the story. Review student summaries and provide feedback on their ability to identify and summarize key events in the book.
Objective 3: Write a review of Brown Girl Dreaming 60 minutes Copy of Brown Girl Dreaming, paper, pencils, art supplies Discuss the purpose and components of a book review. Explain that students will be writing a review of Brown Girl Dreaming. Read aloud a few selected passages from the book, focusing on different aspects such as writing style, character development, and emotional impact. Discuss these elements with the students and ask for their opinions. Provide students with a book review template or guide, including sections for summarizing the book, discussing its strengths, and expressing their personal opinion. Have students draft their reviews. Review student reviews and assess their ability to summarize the book, analyze its strengths, and provide a personal opinion.
Objective 4: Create and present an original story 90 minutes Chart paper, markers, writing materials Explain that students will be creating their own stories inspired by the themes in Brown Girl Dreaming. Review the themes and provide examples of how they can be incorporated into a story. Guide students through the process of planning their stories, including developing characters, setting, and plot. Encourage them to draw inspiration from their own experiences and emotions. Allow students time to write their stories, emphasizing the importance of editing and revising. Once the stories are complete, have each student present their story to the class. Assess student participation in the story planning process, the quality of their written stories, and their ability to effectively present their stories to the class.