Objective Lesson Plan
Objective 1 Lesson 1: Exploring the Themes of The Hobbit
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of The Hobbit, chart paper, markers
1. Begin by asking the students if they have heard of or read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
2. Discuss briefly what themes are and provide examples from other books or movies.
1. Read aloud a chapter or a selected passage from The Hobbit.
2. Ask the students to identify the themes present in the story and write them on the chart paper.
3. Discuss the themes identified by the students and encourage them to provide examples from the story.
1. Summarize the themes discussed and ask the students to reflect on how these themes impact the story.
2. Assign a short written task for homework where students have to write about their favorite theme from The Hobbit.
Observe students' participation during the discussion and assess their written response to the homework task.
Objective 2 Lesson 2: Writing a Summary of The Hobbit
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of The Hobbit, writing paper, pencils
1. Review the concept of a summary with the students.
2. Provide examples of summaries for familiar stories or movies.
1. Instruct the students to read a chapter or a selected passage from The Hobbit.
2. Ask them to write a summary of what they read, focusing on the main events and key points.
1. Have students share their summaries with the class.
2. Discuss the similarities and differences in their summaries.
Evaluate the students' written summaries for comprehension and ability to identify main events and key points.
Objective 3 Lesson 3: Writing a Review of The Hobbit
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of The Hobbit, writing paper, pencils
1. Discuss what a book review is and why people write them.
2. Share examples of book reviews with the students.
1. Instruct the students to read a chapter or a selected passage from The Hobbit.
2. Ask them to write a review of the book, including their opinion and reasons for their opinion.
1. Have students share their reviews with the class.
2. Discuss the different opinions and the reasons behind them.
Assess the students' ability to express their opinions and provide reasons for their opinions in their written reviews.
Objective 4 Lesson 4: Creating Your Own Story Based on The Hobbit
Time Allocation: 120 minutes (can be split into two sessions)
Resources Needed: Copies of The Hobbit, writing paper, pencils, markers, chart paper
1. Review the themes of The Hobbit discussed in Lesson 1.
2. Explain that the students will be creating their own story based on these themes.
1. Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a theme from The Hobbit.
2. Instruct the groups to brainstorm ideas for a story that incorporates their assigned theme.
3. Provide guidance and support as needed while the students plan, write, and edit their stories.
4. Have each group create a poster summarizing their story using markers and chart paper.
1. Allow each group to present their story posters to the class.
2. Discuss the similarities and differences between the stories and how the themes were incorporated.
Evaluate the students' ability to plan, write, edit, and present their own stories based on the themes of The Hobbit.