Lesson Time allocation Resources needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Introduction to J.K. Rowling 45 minutes Images of J.K. Rowling, map of the UK, whiteboard and markers Introduce the lesson by showing images of J.K. Rowling and asking if any students recognize her. Explain that she is a famous author. Discuss when and where J.K. Rowling was born and lived. Show the map of the UK and point out key locations. Discuss her early life briefly. Summarize the key points about J.K. Rowling's early life. Ask students to share one new fact they learned. Evaluate students' understanding by asking them to fill in a short worksheet about J.K. Rowling’s early life and birthplace.
Lesson 2: J.K. Rowling’s Famous Works 45 minutes Copies of Harry Potter book covers, whiteboard, markers, projector Begin with a discussion about any books the students know that were written by J.K. Rowling, focusing on the Harry Potter series. Show the book covers of the Harry Potter series. Discuss the main themes and characters briefly. Explain why these books are famous and how they impacted literature. Summarize the discussion and ask students to share which Harry Potter book or character they like best and why. Students will draw their favorite Harry Potter character and write a few sentences about why they like them.
Lesson 3: J.K. Rowling’s Contributions to Society 45 minutes Whiteboard, markers, projector, internet access Introduce the idea of contributions to society and ask students how they think authors can contribute to society. Discuss J.K. Rowling’s charitable work and her influence on literacy and reading habits. Show short video clips or articles about her contributions. Summarize the key points discussed. Ask students to think about how J.K. Rowling’s work has influenced their own reading habits. Students will write a paragraph about how J.K. Rowling’s books or actions have inspired them or someone they know.
Lesson 4: Connecting J.K. Rowling to Our Lives 45 minutes Whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils Start by asking students to share their favorite books and why they enjoy them. Discuss how J.K. Rowling's books may have influenced their reading choices. Introduce the concept of personal connection to literature. Summarize the discussion. Ask students to share one way in which reading Harry Potter has impacted their life. Students will create a short story or comic strip inspired by their favorite Harry Potter book.
Lesson 5: Designing a Timeline of J.K. Rowling’s Life 60 minutes Construction paper, markers, rulers, printed timeline events, glue Introduce the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding historical figures. Provide students with key events in J.K. Rowling’s life. Guide them to create a timeline on construction paper, arranging events in chronological order. Display the completed timelines in the classroom. Discuss any interesting patterns or events that stood out to the students. Evaluate the accuracy and creativity of the students' timelines. Students will present their timelines to the class.
Lesson 6: Reflecting on J.K. Rowling’s Impact 45 minutes Whiteboard, markers, reflective journals Begin with a review of what students have learned about J.K. Rowling over the past lessons. Encourage students to reflect on how J.K. Rowling’s work and life have impacted society and themselves. Facilitate a discussion on the broader implications of her work. Summarize the reflections shared. Highlight the importance of literature and the lasting impact of authors like J.K. Rowling. Students will write a reflective journal entry on what they have learned about J.K. Rowling and how it has influenced their thinking.