Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Explore basic geography of Iran 60 minutes World map, globe, images of Iran Begin by showing the world map and locating Iran. Explain that Iran is a country in the Middle East. Discuss its neighboring countries and major bodies of water surrounding Iran. Provide images of Iran's landscape, such as mountains, deserts, and rivers. Engage students in a discussion about the geography of Iran and its impact on the country's climate and resources. Summarize the key points discussed and allow students to ask questions. Encourage them to share any interesting facts they have learned about Iran's geography. Observe students' participation in the discussion and their ability to identify key geographical features of Iran.
Lesson 2 Identify 3 facts about Tehran 60 minutes Images of Tehran, writing materials Show images of Tehran and briefly introduce it as the capital city of Iran. Discuss the population, language spoken, and cultural aspects of Tehran. Provide students with a list of statements about Tehran. In pairs or small groups, have them research and verify the accuracy of each statement. They should note down at least 3 facts about Tehran. Have each group share their findings with the class. Encourage discussions and additional questions about Tehran. Assess students' ability to identify and present accurate facts about Tehran.
Lesson 3 Identify 1 famous landmark in Iran outside of Tehran 60 minutes Images of famous landmarks in Iran, writing materials Show images of various famous landmarks in Iran, excluding Tehran. Explain that students will learn about one specific landmark outside of the capital city. Assign each student a landmark to research. They should gather information about its location, history, and significance. Encourage them to use both online and offline resources. Allow students to present their chosen landmarks to the class. Discuss the importance of preserving and protecting cultural landmarks. Assess students' ability to identify and present information about a famous landmark in Iran outside of Tehran.
Lesson 4 Produce a tour guide for visiting Iran 120 minutes (divided into multiple sessions) Art supplies, travel brochures, images of Iran Explain to students that they will be creating a tour guide for someone planning to visit Iran. Discuss the purpose and essential components of a tour guide. Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific region or city in Iran. They should research and gather information about popular attractions, local customs, traditional foods, and important travel tips. Allow each group to design and create their tour guide using art supplies and images of Iran. They can include maps, drawings, and written descriptions. Encourage creativity and accuracy in their presentations. Assess the completeness and accuracy of the tour guides created by each group.