All about International Day of Peace

The International Day of Peace is a special day celebrated around the world to promote peace and kindness. People from different countries and cultures come together to show that they want to live in a world without fighting or wars. On this day, we remember that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and love, no matter where they are from or what they believe in.

Even if some people do not follow a specific religion, they can still celebrate the International Day of Peace by being good to others and spreading happiness. This day is a reminder that we can all work together to create a peaceful world where everyone can live in harmony.

Children can also participate in the International Day of Peace by being kind to their friends, helping those in need, and spreading positivity wherever they go. By showing love and compassion to others, we can all make a difference and contribute to a more peaceful world for everyone to enjoy.

  1. What is the purpose of the International Day of Peace?
  2. How can people celebrate this day?
  3. Why is it important to treat everyone with respect and love?
  4. How can children participate in the International Day of Peace?
  5. What can individuals do to contribute to a more peaceful world?

Symbols and Traditions

International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21st, is a special day where people all around the world come together to promote peace and kindness. Even if they don't follow a specific religion, they share the belief that peace is important for everyone.

  1. What symbols are often used on International Day of Peace and what do they represent?
  2. What are some traditions people follow on International Day of Peace?
  3. Why is it important to work together to create a peaceful world?
  4. How does celebrating International Day of Peace help promote unity?
  5. What can individuals do to contribute to peace on this day and beyond?

My Family and International Day of Peace

Hi, my name is Daisy and I am 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you how my family celebrates International Day of Peace. This special day is celebrated on September 21st all around the world. It's a day where people come together to promote peace and kindness.

Even though my family doesn't follow a specific religion, we all believe that peace is important for everyone. On International Day of Peace, we talk about how we can spread love and understanding in our community and beyond.

People use symbols like doves and olive branches to represent peace and harmony. These symbols remind us of the need to work together to create a peaceful world where everyone can live happily and safely.

Some traditions on this day include holding peaceful marches, lighting candles, and planting trees. These activities help us show our commitment to peace and unity.

Even though we may be different, on International Day of Peace, we can all come together to promote peace and make the world a better place for everyone. It's a day to celebrate our differences and work towards harmony and understanding.

  1. What symbols are often used to represent peace on International Day of Peace?
  2. What traditions do people have on International Day of Peace?
  3. Why is peace important for everyone?
  4. How can we show our commitment to peace on this special day?
  5. Why is it important for people from different backgrounds to come together on International Day of Peace?

Comparing International Day of Peace to another Festival

After learning all about International Day of Peace, is there another festival that you celebrate or that you know that is similar in any way? Make a project comparing the similarities and differences between this festival and International Day of Peaceand think about what symbols and traditions that are part of it. Think about the story of the festival, if it has one, where it is mainly celebrated - whether it is one country or all over the world. You can produce the project using any medium whether it's paper or on a laptop.

Slideshow - International Day of Peace
A full set of teaching plans for International Day of Peaceteaching.