
Indonesia is a beautiful country made up of many islands in Southeast Asia. It is famous for its stunning beaches, tropical rainforests, and active volcanoes. The country has a warm climate with lots of sunshine, making it a great place to enjoy outdoor activities.

  1. What are some of the main geographical features of Indonesia?
  2. Why are rainforests important for the Earth's environment?
  3. What can you see in Indonesia's colorful coral reefs?
  4. Imagine you are visiting Indonesia. Which geographical feature would you be most excited to explore and why?
  5. How do you think people living in Indonesia might benefit from the country's geographical features?

A Visit to Jakarta

My name is Fiona and I am 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you about my exciting visit to Jakarta, Indonesia! It was an amazing experience filled with new sights and sounds that I will never forget. One of the places I visited in Jakarta was the National Monument, also known as Monas. It is a tall tower with a golden flame on top, and you can even go to the top and see the whole city from there! It was so cool to see everything from up high.

  1. What is the name of the tourist attraction Fiona visited in Jakarta?
  2. Describe the National Monument, also known as Monas, in Jakarta.
  3. How did Fiona feel when she saw the city from the top of the tower?
  4. Why do you think visiting new places like Jakarta is exciting for Fiona?
  5. What other landmarks or attractions do you think Fiona might have enjoyed visiting in Jakarta?

Indonesia Fact Finder

Main Cities 
Languages Spoken
National Dishes
Highest Mountain
Longest River
Neighbour Countries
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Indonesia, how about creating a guide for a tourist thinking about visiting? You should include a number of landmarks or tourist attractions they should visit. You could also find them accommodation and restaurants. You might design an itinerary on an online mapping site with directions to each place. Be inventive and see what you can produce!
Slideshow - Indonesia
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