Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Incha More 40 mins Books on local history, Internet access Introduction to the historical significance of Incha More Activity 1: Group discussion on local history
Activity 2: Research on the internet
Activity 3: Presentation on historical findings
Summary of the history of Incha More Assessment of presentation and group discussion
2: Notable Person 40 mins Books on local notable persons, Internet access Introduction to a notable person from the area Activity 1: Group discussion on the notable person's life
Activity 2: Research on the internet
Activity 3: Presentation on the notable person
Summary of the notable person's life and contribution Assessment of presentation and group discussion
3: Natural Geography 40 mins Maps, Earth science textbooks, Magnifying glasses Introduction to the geographical features of Incha More Activity 1: Map reading
Activity 2: Identifying geographical features
Activity 3: Creating a model of the geographical features
Summary of the geographical features of Incha More Assessment of map reading skills and model creation
4: Mapping Skills 40 mins Maps, Compass, Markers Introduction to map reading and creation Activity 1: Map reading
Activity 2: Creating a map of Incha More
Activity 3: Orienting the map with a compass
Summary of map reading and creation skills Assessment of map reading and creation skills
5: Biodiversity 40 mins Field guides, Notebooks, Pencils Introduction to biodiversity and conservation Activity 1: Identifying local flora and fauna
Activity 2: Discussion on the importance of biodiversity
Activity 3: Brainstorming ways to protect local biodiversity
Summary of biodiversity and conservation Assessment of identification skills and understanding of biodiversity
6: Visual Arts 40 mins Art supplies, Local scenery Introduction to using nature as an art inspiration Activity 1: Observing the local scenery
Activity 2: Sketching or painting the scenery
Activity 3: Sharing and discussing the artwork
Summary of the art process and the pieces created Assessment of creativity and understanding of the art process
``` This is a rough outline and the activities can be expanded or modified to suit the specific needs of the class.