Welcome to Incha More

Once upon a time, there was a charming little townland named Incha More. It's nestled in the green heart of County Tipperary, Ireland. Known for its peaceful surroundings and friendly people, it's a place where everyone knows one another!

Incha More may seem quiet now, but it has a history that stretches back hundreds of years. Imagine that! Many years before we had cars or even bicycles, people lived in Incha More, farming the land and raising animals.

One special thing about Incha More is its old ruins. These are the remains of buildings from long ago, like a glimpse into a forgotten world. These ruins whisper stories of a time when life was very different.

Even though we don't have famous battles or great castles in Incha More's history, it's the simple, everyday stories of the people who lived there that make it special. They worked hard, helped each other, and created a close-knit community that still exists today.

So, while it might not be a place of kings and queens, Incha More is a wonderful townland with its own unique history. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll be part of its story too!

  1. What was Incha More known for?
  2. What are the old ruins in Incha More?
  3. What makes Incha More special?
  4. Why do you think the people of Incha More worked hard and helped each other?
  5. If you were to become part of Incha More's story one day, what would you like to do or be? Why?

All About Incha More

Incha More is a special place in County Tipperary, Ireland. It's not a city or town, but a rural area with lots of beautiful countryside to explore! Picture wide open fields, lovely trees, and lots of green. Local streets aren't like city streets, they're country lanes where you might spot a tractor or two! They're perfect for fun walks or bike rides.

Nature is really important in Incha More. You can see lots of different plants like ferns, wildflowers, and even blackberries in the summer. You might also spot some friendly animals. Keep an eye out for rabbits, foxes, and many different types of birds.

There are no big mountains, but the land has gentle hills and valleys. The most exciting natural feature here is the River Suir. It's one of Ireland's longest rivers and it flows right through County Tipperary. You might see some ducks swimming or even a fish jumping!

Incha More might not have city-like street furniture such as benches, streetlights, or bus stops. But, it's a magical place where you can spend the day exploring, playing, and learning about nature..

  1. What types of plants and animals might you see in Incha More?
  2. Describe the landscape of Incha More. Are there mountains, hills, valleys, rivers?
  3. What is the most exciting natural feature in Incha More, and why?
  4. Using a map of County Tipperary, locate Incha More and the River Suir. How would you describe their positions in relation to other geographical features in the county?
  5. Explore the area around Incha More (either in person or using a digital map). Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Describe it.

My Family and Incha More

Hi, I'm Niall and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Incha More in Co. Tipperary. It's really green and pretty here. There are lots of farms around, I like seeing the sheep and cows.

One of my favourite things to do is visit the Holy Year Cross. It's this big cross on top of a hill. We sometimes go up there for picnics. You can see the whole town from there. It's so beautiful! I also really like the River Suir, it's really long and sometimes I see ducks swimming there. I like to throw bread for them.

There's also the Rock of Cashel. It's a big castle that's really old. I like imagining I'm a knight defending the castle. It's a lot of fun!

Living in Incha More is great. There's always something to do and see. I love being here.

  1. What is the name of the child and how old are they?
  2. Where does the child live?
  3. What is one of the child's favourite activities?
  4. What animal does the child like to see at the River Suir?
  5. What role does the child imagine themselves in when at the Rock of Cashel?

The Logainm of Incha More

Incha More is a place in County Tipperary, Ireland. The name 'Incha More' comes from the Irish words 'Inse Mór', which means 'Big Island' or 'Large Meadow'. This tells us that the place was probably a big, open area suitable for farming long ago.

Over the centuries, people living in Incha More have likely worked on farms and raised animals. We can imagine them planting crops, milking cows and collecting eggs from chickens. The name 'Incha More' would remind them of the rich, green lands they worked on every day.

Today, Incha More is still a peaceful rural area. The 'Large Meadow' or 'Big Island' is still here, but now there are also houses, roads, and even a school. People who live here remember the old Irish name and the history it carries. Even though times have changed, the name 'Incha More' connects the present with the past.

  1. What does 'Incha More' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the place was called 'Incha More' or 'Big Island'?
  3. What kind of work might people have done in Incha More in the past?
  4. How is Incha More today different from the past?
  5. How does the name 'Incha More' connect the present with the past?

Slideshow - Incha More
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Incha More