Section 1

Iguaçu Falls is a famous and beautiful waterfall located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Recently, something amazing happened at the falls - the highest amount of water in nine years flowed through it!

Usually, about 1.5 million litres of water flow through the falls every second. But this time, a whopping 24 million litres of water per second rushed down the falls! That's a lot of water! In fact, it's 16 times more than the usual amount. It's like having 16 big swimming pools emptied into the falls every second!

Did you know that Iguaçu Falls is made up of 275 different waterfalls? That's a lot of waterfalls! These waterfalls are very special and have been named one of the seven natural wonders of the world. People from all over the world come to see them because they are so beautiful.

Because there was so much water flowing, the park had to close on the Argentinian side for safety reasons. However, part of the park on the Brazilian side remained open for visitors to enjoy the amazing view.

The last time the water flow was this high was in 2014, when 45 million litres of water per second came crashing down the falls. That's even more water than this time!

Iguaçu Falls is an incredible natural wonder that attracts many tourists. This year, it broke a record by having the highest water flow in nine years. It's amazing how such a massive amount of water can create such a beautiful sight!

  1. Why is Iguaçu Falls famous?
  2. What happened at Iguaçu Falls recently?
  3. How much water usually flows through the falls every second?
  4. How many waterfalls make up Iguaçu Falls?
  5. Why did the park close on the Argentinian side?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Liam and I am 8 years old. I live in a small village in Ireland called Glendalough. Today, I want to tell you about an amazing place I visited called Iguaçu Falls. It was the most exciting adventure of my life!

As we walked through the lush rainforest, I could hear the sound of rushing water getting louder and louder. Suddenly, I saw it - a breathtaking sight! Iguaçu Falls is a massive waterfall located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. The water tumbled down with such force and created a mist that felt like rain on my face.

We took a boat ride to get closer to the falls. I felt like a real explorer! The water splashed all around us, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so much fun! After that, we walked along the trails and saw colorful birds flying above us. I even spotted a cute little monkey swinging from tree to tree.

Iguaçu Falls is truly a natural wonder. I will never forget the feeling of being so close to such a magnificent sight. It was like being in a dream. I can't wait to go on more adventures and discover more wonders of the world!

  1. What is the name of the child in the journal entry?
  2. Where does the child live?
  3. Where is Iguaçu Falls located?
  4. What did the child do to get closer to the falls?
  5. What did the child see while walking along the trails?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! Welcome to our special TV news report on Iguaçu Falls: A Natural Wonder. I'm your host, and today we will be exploring the incredible beauty and significance of Iguaçu Falls.

Located on the border between Brazil and Argentina, Iguaçu Falls is one of the world's most awe-inspiring natural wonders. It is a massive waterfall system that stretches over 1.7 miles, with over 275 individual falls!

The falls are surrounded by lush rainforests, home to a wide variety of plants and animals. In fact, the area is a designated UNESCO World Heritage site due to its exceptional biodiversity.

Visitors can experience the falls up close by taking a boat tour or walking along the many trails. The sheer power and beauty of the cascading water is truly a sight to behold!

So, if you ever get the chance, make sure to visit Iguaçu Falls. It's a natural wonder that will leave you in awe!

  1. Unscramble the following anagram to reveal an animal found near Iguaçu Falls: DITGERA
  2. Can you rearrange these letters to form a word that means "very large"? NIGATAMSVI
  3. Rearrange the letters to spell a word that means "to look at something in wonder or amazement". GAZE
  4. Unscramble the following letters to reveal the name of the river that feeds into Iguaçu Falls: RAPANA
  5. Can you rearrange these letters to form a word that means "to fall or drop rapidly"? LUPBME

Section 4

Iguaçu Falls is a breathtaking natural wonder located in South America, on the border between Brazil and Argentina. With its stunning cascades and lush surroundings, it attracts millions of visitors each year. But did you know that a similar event took place in Ireland?

In 2015, Ireland experienced heavy rainfall, causing the rivers to swell and water levels to rise significantly. This led to the creation of a temporary waterfall in County Mayo, which resembled the majestic Iguaçu Falls. The waterfall, known as Dún Briste, was formed when a massive sea stack off the coast collapsed due to the force of the water.

Visitors from all over flocked to witness this incredible phenomenon, marveling at the power of nature. The temporary waterfall became a popular tourist attraction, drawing both locals and international tourists alike.

  1. Where is Iguaçu Falls located?
  2. What caused the formation of the temporary waterfall in County Mayo?
  3. When did the event take place?
  4. What did visitors find fascinating about the temporary waterfall?
  5. What was the temporary waterfall in County Mayo called?