Section 1

A grandmother in Limerick, Helen McInerney, has found herself homeless after her landlord decided to sell her rented accommodation. McInerney, 53, had lived happily in the Corbally area with her daughter and grandchildren for many years. However, when her landlord sold the property 15 months ago, she was unable to find another place to live. She spent six months in a hotel before moving to emergency accommodation at Phoenix House, provided by the organization Novas. McInerney finds it heartbreaking to be separated from her family, who now live in a family hub. She meets them on the street in Limerick as visitors are not allowed in her accommodation. She never expected to become homeless and now hopes to regain her own home with her family.

Novas, which assists people who are homeless or have experienced addiction and mental health issues, has helped over 6,000 individuals, including McInerney. However, the housing crisis has made it increasingly challenging for them to provide support, as more people are spending longer periods in emergency accommodation. This leads to difficulties in their mental health, wellbeing, and ability to live independently.

Novas has recently refurbished eight one-bed apartments in Limerick city, offering long-term accommodation to individuals like Roy Finn, who has experienced homelessness for 20 years. Finn expresses gratitude for the opportunity to live independently in a secure apartment.

  1. Why did Helen McInerney become homeless?
  2. Where did she stay before moving to emergency accommodation?
  3. Why is it difficult for Novas to provide support to homeless individuals?
  4. What has Novas recently done to help homeless individuals in Limerick?
  5. How does Roy Finn feel about his new living situation?

Section 2

Hi, my name is Vanessa and I am 11 years old. I live in a small town called Clonmel in Ireland. Today, I want to write about an average day in my life. But before I do that, I want to talk about something that is affecting many families in my country – the Homelessness and Housing Crisis in Ireland. It's a topic that has been in the news a lot lately, and it's something that I see and hear about every day.

In my town, there are many people who don't have a place to call home. Some families live in temporary accommodation, like hotels or B&Bs, while others sleep rough on the streets. It's really sad to see people struggling like this, especially when it's cold and rainy outside.

Now, let me tell you about an average day in my life. I wake up early in the morning and get ready for school. My mom helps me pack my lunch, and then I walk to the bus stop with my little sister. We take the bus to school together, and I always try to make her laugh on the way.

School is fun, but sometimes it's hard to concentrate when I know that some of my classmates are struggling with homelessness. I try to be a good friend and support them as much as I can. After school, I go to my friend's house to study and play. It's a safe and warm place, and I feel lucky to have it.

When I get home, I help my mom with dinner. We talk about our day and share stories. Sometimes, we watch the news together and discuss the housing crisis. My mom tells me that it's important to be grateful for what we have and to help others whenever we can.

Before I go to bed, I say a little prayer for all the families who are struggling with homelessness. I hope that one day, everyone will have a safe and comfortable place to call home.

  1. What is the housing crisis in Ireland?
  2. Where does Vanessa live?
  3. How does Vanessa support her classmates who are struggling with homelessness?
  4. What does Vanessa do after school?
  5. What does Vanessa do before going to bed?

Section 3

Good evening, I'm your news reporter, and today we bring you an important story about homelessness and the housing crisis in Ireland. It's a problem that affects many people, including children just like you.

In recent years, Ireland has been facing a significant increase in homelessness. Many families and individuals are struggling to find a place to call home. This crisis is caused by a combination of factors, such as rising rents and a shortage of affordable housing. It's a complex issue that requires urgent attention.

Imagine not having a warm and safe place to sleep at night, or not having a kitchen to cook your meals. Unfortunately, this is the reality for thousands of people in Ireland. Homelessness can have a negative impact on a person's health, education, and overall well-being.

The government and various organizations are working hard to address this crisis. They are building more social housing units and providing emergency accommodation for those in need. However, the demand still outweighs the supply, and more needs to be done.

It's important to remember that homelessness can happen to anyone. Sometimes, circumstances beyond a person's control can lead to them losing their home. It's crucial to show empathy and support to those who are experiencing homelessness.

Now, it's time for some anagram puzzles related to the content of this news report:


Section 4

One of the most pressing issues in Ireland today is the homelessness and housing crisis. This crisis has left many families and individuals without a stable place to live, resulting in a significant increase in the number of people living on the streets or in emergency accommodation.

A true event that exemplifies the gravity of this crisis occurred in Dublin, Ireland. In 2019, a homeless man named Jonathan Corrie was found dead just meters away from the country's parliament building, Dáil Éireann. This tragic incident sparked outrage and brought international attention to the issue of homelessness in Ireland.

Jonathan Corrie had been sleeping rough on the streets of Dublin for several months. He was unable to secure permanent accommodation and was forced to rely on emergency shelters or sleep rough in doorways and alleyways. Despite efforts by various organizations and government initiatives to address homelessness, the system had failed Jonathan and many others like him.

  1. Who was Jonathan Corrie?
  2. Where was he found dead?
  3. What brought international attention to the issue of homelessness in Ireland?
  4. How long had Jonathan been sleeping rough?
  5. What initiatives were in place to address homelessness?