Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Hollystown 60 Minutes History books, Internet, Projector for presentation Introduction to Hollystown, its history and the origin of its name Activity 1: Research on the history of Hollystown
Activity 2: Group discussion on the origin of the name Hollystown
Activity 3: Presentation on the history of Hollystown
Summary of the history and importance of Hollystown Questions related to the history of Hollystown
2. Notable Person from Hollystown 60 Minutes Biographies, Internet, Projector for presentation Introduction to a notable person from Hollystown Activity 1: Research on the notable person
Activity 2: Group discussion on the life of the notable person
Activity 3: Presentation on the notable person
Summary of the life and contribution of the notable person Questions related to the notable person
3. Geography of Hollystown 60 Minutes Maps, Internet, Projector for presentation Introduction to the natural geography of Hollystown Activity 1: Research on the geography of Hollystown
Activity 2: Group discussion on the geographical features of Hollystown
Activity 3: Presentation on the geography of Hollystown
Summary of the geographical features and importance of Hollystown Questions related to the geography of Hollystown
4. Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Maps, Internet, Drawing materials Introduction to maps and mapping skills Activity 1: Learning about different types of maps
Activity 2: Group activity on mapping Hollystown
Activity 3: Individual activity on drawing a map of Hollystown
Summary of the importance of maps and mapping skills Assessment of the maps created by the children
5. Biodiversity 60 Minutes Internet, Books on biodiversity, Field trip to a local area Introduction to biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Research on the biodiversity of Hollystown
Activity 2: Group discussion on the importance of biodiversity
Activity 3: Field trip to a local area to observe biodiversity
Summary of the importance of biodiversity and its protection Questions related to biodiversity and its protection
6. Visual Arts 60 Minutes Art materials, Pictures of Hollystown Introduction to visual arts and its importance Activity 1: Learning about different types of visual arts
Activity 2: Group activity on creating a piece of art inspired by Hollystown
Activity 3: Individual activity on creating a piece of art inspired by Hollystown
Summary of the importance of visual arts and its role in expressing thoughts and feelings Assessment of the art created by the children