Lesson 1: The Story of Holi

Objective: 1

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Story of Holi book or printouts

Introduction: Discuss the importance of storytelling in learning about different cultures.

Development: Read the story of Holi to the students, highlighting key events and characters.

Conclusion: Encourage students to ask questions and discuss their thoughts on the story.

Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture depicting their favorite part of the Holi story.

Lesson 2: Exploring Holi Symbols

Objective: 2

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Colorful powders, water balloons, images of Holi symbols

Introduction: Show images of Holi symbols and discuss their meanings.

Development: Allow students to explore and play with colorful powders and water balloons.

Conclusion: Have students share their experiences and discuss the significance of each symbol.

Assessment: Ask students to create a poster showcasing different Holi symbols.

Lesson 3: Connecting Holi to Daily Life

Objective: 3

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Chart paper, markers, images of Holi celebrations

Introduction: Discuss how festivals like Holi are celebrated in different cultures.

Development: Have students brainstorm ways they celebrate special occasions in their own lives.

Conclusion: Create a class chart comparing Holi celebrations to students' own traditions.

Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph on how they can incorporate elements of Holi into their own celebrations.

Lesson 4: Exploring Holi Concepts

Objective: 4

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Craft materials, images of Holi rituals

Introduction: Introduce concepts like forgiveness and new beginnings associated with Holi.

Development: Have students create colorful art pieces symbolizing these concepts.

Conclusion: Discuss the importance of forgiveness and positivity in our lives.

Assessment: Assess students' artwork based on creativity and understanding of the concepts.

Lesson 5: Holi Craft Workshop

Objectives: 2, 4

Time Allocation: 90 minutes

Resources Needed: Craft materials, Holi-themed stencils or templates

Introduction: Explain the significance of creating art as a form of celebration.

Development: Guide students in making Holi-themed crafts using stencils or templates.

Conclusion: Have students showcase their crafts and explain the symbolism behind their designs.

Assessment: Assess students' crafts based on creativity, attention to detail, and understanding of Holi concepts.

Lesson 6: Holi Celebration Day

Objectives: 2, 3, 4

Time Allocation: Half-day event

Resources Needed: Colorful powders, water balloons, traditional Holi snacks

Introduction: Explain how Holi is celebrated as a festival of colors and joy.

Development: Organize a mini Holi celebration with students playing with colors and water balloons.

Conclusion: Share traditional Holi snacks with students and discuss the overall experience.

Assessment: Observe students' participation and engagement during the celebration.