Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 1 hour - Images of Hieronymus Bosch's artwork
- Paper and pencils
- Show images of Hieronymus Bosch's artwork, including The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Discuss who Hieronymus Bosch was and explain the concept of The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Engage students in a short discussion about the artwork
- Provide more information about Hieronymus Bosch and The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Show examples of different art mediums used in the painting
- Discuss the main art medium Hieronymus Bosch is best known for
- Recap the main points discussed
- Answer any questions the students may have
- Informal assessment through class discussion
Lesson 2 1 hour - Images of The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Paper and watercolor paints
- Brushes
- Show images of The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Discuss the main art medium used in the painting
- Explain that students will have the opportunity to work with watercolor paints
- Provide a brief demonstration on how to use watercolor paints
- Encourage students to experiment with different techniques and colors inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Allow students to finish their watercolor paintings
- Discuss their artwork and what they enjoyed about the process
- Informal assessment through observation of students' use of watercolor techniques
Lesson 3 1 hour - Images of original artworks inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Paper and pencils
- Show images of original artworks inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Discuss what makes these artworks inspired by the painting
- Guide students in examining specific elements or themes from The Garden of Earthly Delights that can be incorporated into their own artwork
- Encourage students to sketch their own original image inspired by the painting
- Allow students to share their sketches and explain what elements they included from The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Discuss the different interpretations and ideas
- Informal assessment through class discussion and observation of students' sketches
Lesson 4 1 hour - Canvas or thick paper for painting
- Acrylic paints
- Brushes
- Instruct students to transfer their sketches onto canvas or thick paper - Demonstrate how to use acrylic paints and different brush techniques
- Encourage students to recreate their sketches using acrylic paints and to experiment with textures and colors
- Allow students to finish their paintings
- Provide a space for students to display their work in an interesting way, such as creating a mini art exhibition
- Informal assessment through observation of students' use of acrylic paints and their final paintings
Lesson 5 30 minutes - Digital camera or smartphone - Explain that students will have the opportunity to share their artwork in an interesting way - Guide students in taking photographs of their paintings using a digital camera or smartphone
- Encourage them to experiment with different angles and lighting
- Allow students to share their photographs with the class
- Discuss the different perspectives and effects created by the photography
- Informal assessment through class discussion and observation of students' photographs
Lesson 6 1 hour - Computer or tablet with internet access - Show students a video or interactive presentation about Hieronymus Bosch and The Garden of Earthly Delights
- Discuss the main points and any new information learned
- Engage students in a group activity where they create a collaborative artwork inspired by The Garden of Earthly Delights using a digital art program - Allow students to share their collaborative artwork with the class
- Discuss the process and what they enjoyed about working together
- Informal assessment through class discussion and observation of students' collaborative artwork