Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 60 minutes Images of Henry Moore's Reclining Figure, paper, pencils, colors Introduce Henry Moore and show images of Reclining Figure. Discuss its features and significance. Ask students to sketch their own version of Reclining Figure, focusing on the general shape and form. Have students share their sketches with the class and discuss their interpretations of the artwork. Evaluate student participation and engagement during the discussion.
Lesson 2 60 minutes Clay, sculpting tools, images of Henry Moore's sculptures Review Henry Moore's sculptures and emphasize his use of clay as a primary medium. Provide students with clay and sculpting tools to create their own 3D sculpture inspired by Reclining Figure. Allow students to share their sculptures with the class and explain their inspiration. Evaluate the creativity and effort put into the students' sculptures.
Lesson 3 60 minutes Images of Reclining Figure, paper, pencils, colors Show students various images inspired by Reclining Figure and discuss what elements make them inspired by the artwork. Ask students to create their own original image inspired by Reclining Figure, using different art mediums if desired. Have students present their artwork to the class, explaining the connection to Reclining Figure. Evaluate the students' ability to identify and incorporate elements from Reclining Figure into their own artwork.
Lesson 4 60 minutes Paint, brushes, canvas/paper, images of Reclining Figure Introduce the concept of painting and discuss different techniques and styles. Provide students with paints, brushes, and canvas/paper to create their own painting inspired by Reclining Figure. Organize an art exhibition where students can display and share their paintings with their classmates. Evaluate the students' ability to apply painting techniques and the overall quality of their artwork.
Lesson 5 60 minutes Construction paper, scissors, glue, images of Reclining Figure Discuss the concept of collage and its use in art. Ask students to create a collage using construction paper and images inspired by Reclining Figure. Encourage students to present their collages to the class and explain the elements they chose. Evaluate the creativity and composition of the students' collages.
Lesson 6 60 minutes Various art supplies (crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.), images of Reclining Figure Review the different art mediums and techniques explored throughout the previous lessons. Allow students to choose their preferred art medium to create a final artwork inspired by Reclining Figure. Organize an art gallery walk where students can showcase their final artwork. Evaluate the students' ability to apply various art mediums and techniques effectively.