Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 45 minutes Printed images of Henri Matisse's The Dance, art supplies (paper, paint, brushes, water cups) Introduce Henri Matisse and his famous work, The Dance. Show printed images of The Dance and discuss its features and significance. Guide students in exploring the art medium Matisse is best known for, which is painting. Provide students with art supplies and encourage them to create their own painting inspired by The Dance. Allow students to share their artwork with the class. Discuss similarities and differences between their paintings and Matisse's masterpiece. Assess students' understanding of Henri Matisse and their ability to create a painting inspired by The Dance.
Lesson 2 45 minutes Colored construction paper, scissors, glue, pencils, markers Recap previous lesson's content. Introduce the concept of collage and how Matisse used it in his artwork. Provide students with colored construction paper, scissors, glue, and encourage them to create a collage inspired by The Dance. They can cut out shapes and arrange them on the paper. Allow students to share their collages with the class. Discuss the use of shapes and colors in their artwork and how it relates to Matisse's style. Assess students' understanding of collage as an art medium and their ability to create a collage inspired by The Dance.
Lesson 3 60 minutes Large white poster paper, markers, pencils Recap previous lessons' content. Introduce the concept of creating a mural. In groups, provide students with large white poster paper and art supplies. Instruct them to create a mural inspired by The Dance. Each group can focus on a different aspect or section of the artwork. Allow groups to present their murals to the class. Discuss the different interpretations and creative choices made by each group. Assess students' ability to work collaboratively, their creativity in creating a mural inspired by The Dance, and their oral presentation skills.
Lesson 4 45 minutes Clay, sculpting tools, paint Recap previous lessons' content. Introduce the concept of sculpture and how Matisse incorporated it into his artwork. Provide students with clay and sculpting tools. Instruct them to create a three-dimensional sculpture inspired by The Dance. Once dry, they can paint their sculptures to add color. Allow students to share their sculptures with the class. Discuss the use of form and texture in their artwork and how it relates to Matisse's style. Assess students' understanding of sculpture as an art medium and their ability to create a three-dimensional sculpture inspired by The Dance.
Lesson 5 60 minutes Digital devices with image editing software (e.g., computers, tablets), headphones Recap previous lessons' content. Introduce the concept of digital art and image editing. Provide students with digital devices and headphones. Instruct them to find an image online that represents their interpretation of The Dance. They can use image editing software to manipulate the image and add their own creative touches. Allow students to showcase their digital artworks to the class. Discuss the techniques and effects used and how it reflects their interpretation of The Dance. Assess students' ability to use digital tools for artistic expression and their understanding of how to manipulate images to create their own artwork inspired by The Dance.
Lesson 6 45 minutes Art supplies (paper, colored pencils, markers, glitter, glue, etc.), small mirrors Recap previous lessons' content. Introduce the concept of self-portraits and reflection. Provide students with art supplies and small mirrors. Instruct them to create a self-portrait inspired by The Dance. They can incorporate elements of Matisse's style and use their reflection as inspiration. Allow students to share their self-portraits with the class. Discuss the use of color, shape, and personal expression in their artwork. Assess students' ability to create a self-portrait inspired by The Dance and their understanding of how to incorporate elements of Matisse's style into their artwork.