Lesson 1
Objective: The child should find out about the inspirational woman Hedy Lamarr, where and when she lived, and what she is famous for.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Biography of Hedy Lamarr, pictures of her, world map
Introduction: Show a picture of Hedy Lamarr and ask students if they know who she is. Explain that she was an inspirational woman who lived in the past and made significant contributions to society.
Development: Read the biography of Hedy Lamarr together as a class. Discuss where and when she lived, and what she is famous for. Show her location on a world map.
Conclusion: Recap the main points about Hedy Lamarr's life and achievements. Encourage students to think about why she is an inspirational woman.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they have learned about Hedy Lamarr.
Lesson 2
Objective: The child should explore Hedy Lamarr's contributions to society and culture. Children should discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Video clips about Hedy Lamarr's inventions, paper, markers
Introduction: Recap what students have learned about Hedy Lamarr in the previous lesson. Explain that she was not only an actress but also an inventor.
Development: Watch video clips about Hedy Lamarr's inventions and discuss their impact on society and culture. Ask students to think about how her work has influenced the world.
Conclusion: Discuss as a class the importance of Hedy Lamarr's contributions and the impact she had on her time. Encourage students to think about how they can make a positive impact on the world.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph about one of Hedy Lamarr's inventions and its significance.
Lesson 3
Objective: The child should connect Hedy Lamarr to their own life.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, pencils, markers
Introduction: Recap what students have learned about Hedy Lamarr's achievements. Explain that they will now explore how her work relates to their own lives.
Development: Ask students to brainstorm ways in which technology has influenced their lives. Discuss as a class and highlight how Hedy Lamarr's inventions have paved the way for modern technologies.
Conclusion: Encourage students to think about how they can use technology to make a positive impact in their own lives and the world around them.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture or write a short paragraph about a technology they use and how it has made their life better.
Lesson 4
Objective: The child should design a timeline of Hedy Lamarr's life.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Large chart paper, markers, pictures of Hedy Lamarr at different stages of her life
Introduction: Explain that students will create a timeline to visualize the important events in Hedy Lamarr's life.
Development: Show pictures of Hedy Lamarr at different stages of her life and discuss the events associated with each picture. Ask students to draw the events on the timeline and label them with the corresponding years.
Conclusion: Review the timeline as a class, ensuring all important events are included. Discuss how events in Hedy Lamarr's life shaped her achievements.
Assessment: Assess students' timelines for accuracy and completeness.
Lesson 5
Objective: The child should learn about Hedy Lamarr's impact on entertainment.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Video clips of Hedy Lamarr's movies, paper, pencils
Introduction: Discuss with students how Hedy Lamarr's acting career influenced the entertainment industry.
Development: Watch video clips of Hedy Lamarr's movies and discuss her acting style and impact on the audience. Ask students to draw a picture or write a short paragraph about their favorite movie scene.
Conclusion: Share students' drawings or paragraphs and have a class discussion about the importance of Hedy Lamarr's contributions to entertainment.
Assessment: Assess students' drawings or paragraphs for creativity and understanding of Hedy Lamarr's impact on entertainment.
Lesson 6
Objective: The child should reflect on the lessons learned about Hedy Lamarr and present their thoughts.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint), computer, projector
Introduction: Explain that students will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on Hedy Lamarr and the lessons they have learned.
Development: Allow each student to create a presentation slide or two, expressing their thoughts and reflections on Hedy Lamarr. They can include images, text, and personal anecdotes.
Conclusion: Give students the opportunity to present their slides to the class. Encourage positive feedback and discussion.
Assessment: Assess students' presentations for creativity, understanding, and ability to convey their thoughts effectively.