Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: Introduction to Hayao Miyazaki and Spirited Away 1 hour - Laptop or projector
- Internet access
- Paper and pencils
- Show a short video about Hayao Miyazaki and Spirited Away
- Discuss the main characters and storyline of Spirited Away
- Ask students to draw their favorite character from Spirited Away
- Have a class discussion about their drawings and what they like about the characters
- Recap the key points about Hayao Miyazaki and Spirited Away
- Encourage students to explore more about the movie at home
- Observe students' engagement during the discussion
- Assess their understanding of the characters through their drawings
Lesson 2: Exploring Hayao Miyazaki's Art Medium 1 hour - Laptop or projector
- Internet access
- Paper and pencils
- Watercolor paints
- Brushes
- Show examples of Hayao Miyazaki's artwork created using watercolor
- Discuss the characteristics and techniques of watercolor painting
- Demonstrate basic watercolor techniques like wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, and layering
- Allow students to experiment with watercolor paints and create their own abstract artwork inspired by Spirited Away
- Have a gallery walk where students can view and discuss each other's artwork
- Share feedback and compliments on the use of watercolor techniques
- Assess students' understanding of watercolor techniques through their artwork
- Observe their ability to experiment and create an abstract piece
Lesson 3: Examining an Inspired Image 1 hour - Paper and pencils
- Colored pencils or markers
- Display an image inspired by Spirited Away
- Discuss the elements that make it inspired by the movie
- Guide students in creating a list of elements they notice in the image
- Have a class discussion on how these elements relate to Spirited Away
- Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson
- Encourage students to create their own inspired image at home
- Assess students' ability to identify and analyze the elements in the inspired image
- Observe their participation during the class discussion
Lesson 4: Creating a Spirited Away Painting 1.5 hours - Paper and pencils
- Watercolor paints
- Brushes
- Water containers
- Colored pencils or markers
- Review the key elements and themes of Spirited Away
- Discuss the importance of planning before starting a painting
- Guide students in sketching their desired Spirited Away scene or character
- Show different watercolor techniques suitable for their chosen subject
- Provide time for students to complete their watercolor painting
- Encourage them to add details and use colored pencils or markers to enhance their artwork
- Assess students' ability to plan and sketch their chosen subject
- Evaluate their use of watercolor techniques and attention to detail
Lesson 5: Sharing Spirited Away Artwork 45 minutes - Completed Spirited Away paintings
- Digital camera or smartphone
- Laptop or projector
- Explain the concept of an art exhibition
- Discuss different ways to present and share artwork
- Take photos of each student's artwork
- Create a digital slideshow or gallery of the paintings
- Organize a mini art exhibition in the classroom using the digital slideshow or gallery
- Allow students to present and talk about their artwork to the class
- Assess students' ability to present and talk about their artwork
- Evaluate their creativity and effort in their Spirited Away painting
Lesson 6: Reflection and Assessment 30 minutes - Paper and pencils - Ask students to reflect on their journey through the Spirited Away art lessons
- Discuss their favorite parts and what they have learned
- Allow students to write a short reflection or draw a picture summarizing their experience - Share reflections and artwork with the class, if students are comfortable
- Encourage students to continue exploring art inspired by their favorite movies or themes
- Assess students' ability to reflect on their learning and summarize their experience
- Observe their engagement during the sharing of reflections and artwork