Lesson 1 - Exploring the Themes of Under the Mesquite
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of the book, whiteboard, markers
  • Introduce the book, Under the Mesquite, by showing the cover and reading the blurb.
  • Discuss the concept of themes in a story and explain that we will be exploring the themes of this book.
  • Read aloud the first few pages of the book to the class.
  • Discuss the themes that have emerged so far and record them on the whiteboard.
  • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a theme to explore further.
  • Give each group some time to discuss and brainstorm examples from the book that relate to their assigned theme.
  • Each group presents their findings to the class.
  • Summarize the themes discussed and encourage students to think about how these themes relate to their own lives.
  • Assign a short written reflection for homework, asking students to choose one theme and write about how it relates to their own experiences.
  • Class participation during group discussions
  • Quality of written reflection

Lesson 2 - Writing a Summary of Under the Mesquite
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of the book, writing paper, pencils
  • Review the main events and characters of the book.
  • Explain that a summary is a brief retelling of the story, highlighting the most important parts.
  • Model how to write a summary by selecting key events and characters from the book and writing them in a logical order.
  • Provide a graphic organizer or template to help students organize their thoughts.
  • Give students time to write their own summaries of Under the Mesquite.
  • Invite volunteers to share their summaries with the class.
  • Discuss the importance of including only the most relevant information in a summary.
  • Quality and accuracy of the written summaries

Lesson 3 - Writing a Review of Under the Mesquite
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of the book, writing paper, pencils
  • Discuss the purpose of a book review - to inform others about a book and recommend or not recommend it.
  • Remind students of the main characters and events in Under the Mesquite.
  • Model how to write a book review by discussing the book's strengths and weaknesses, and giving a personal opinion.
  • Provide a template or graphic organizer to help students structure their reviews.
  • Give students time to write their own reviews of Under the Mesquite.
  • Invite volunteers to share their reviews with the class.
  • Discuss the importance of providing reasons and evidence to support their opinions.
  • Quality and persuasiveness of the written reviews

Lesson 4 - Creating and Presenting a Story Based on the Themes of Under the Mesquite
Time Allocation: 120 minutes
Resources Needed: Writing paper, pencils, art supplies (optional)
  • Review the themes explored in Under the Mesquite.
  • Explain that students will now have the opportunity to create their own stories based on these themes.
  • Have students brainstorm ideas for their stories, focusing on one or more themes from Under the Mesquite.
  • Encourage students to create interesting characters and a compelling plot.
  • Give students time to plan and write their stories, providing support and guidance as needed.
  • Optional: Allow students to illustrate their stories using art supplies.
  • Invite students to share their stories with the class, either by reading aloud or displaying their illustrations.
  • Discuss the different ways in which the themes were incorporated into the stories.
  • Quality and creativity of the written stories
  • Effective incorporation of themes from Under the Mesquite
  • Optional: Artistic effort and expression (if illustrations are included)