Welcome to Greenore

Greenore is a special little townland in County Louth, on the east coast of Ireland. Imagine a place where big ships come to visit! That's Greenore for you. It has a bustling port where ships from all over the world dock.

Let's look at its history. A long time ago, in the 1870s, there was just farmland here. Then, a company called the London and North Western Railway decided to build a railway in Greenore. It was a big project! They wanted to connect Greenore to Newry, a town in Northern Ireland, to make it easier for ships to transport goods.

So, they built houses for the workers and their families, which was the beginning of Greenore town. And guess what? The railway company also built a golf course for their workers to have fun and relax. This golf course is still there today!

Even though the railway is gone now, the port is still very busy. Greenore may not be a big city, but it has a rich history and lots of stories to tell. And remember, every place, no matter how small, has its own special story.

  1. What is special about Greenore?
  2. Who built the railway in Greenore and why?
  3. What did the railway company build for their workers to have fun and relax?
  4. How has the purpose of Greenore changed from the 1870s to now?
  5. Why is it important to remember that every place, no matter how small, has its own special story?

All About Greenore

Greenore is a lovely village nestled in County Louth, Ireland. It's surrounded by beautiful landscapes and has a lot to discover! Let's take a virtual trip to Greenore!

First, Greenore is by the sea. The Irish Sea, to be exact! Imagine the cool ocean breeze and the sound of seagulls in the air. You might even spot a few playful seals if you're lucky.

Greenore is also surrounded by mountains. The Cooley Mountains are nearby and they are full of colourful plants and wildlife. Animals like rabbits, foxes, and even deer live here! There are also plenty of trees, flowers, and bushes. If you're quiet, you might spot a cheeky squirrel or a singing bird.

One of the main streets in Greenore is the Harbour Road. There's a big harbour here where ships come and go. You might see containers being loaded onto big boats. It's a busy and exciting place!

And do you know what's really cool? Greenore has its own railway! The Carlingford Lough Greenore Miniature Railway is a fun place to visit.

So, even though Greenore might be small, it's full of surprises! It's a wonderful place to learn about nature and how people live and work by the sea..

  1. What type of landscape surrounds Greenore and what kind of wildlife can be found there?
  2. Name two activities you might observe at the Harbour Road in Greenore.
  3. What is the significance of the Carlingford Lough Greenore Miniature Railway in the village?
  4. Using a map of County Louth, identify and describe another geographical feature near Greenore.
  5. Explore Greenore using Google Earth or a similar tool. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? What is it and why did it catch your interest?

My Family and Greenore

Hi, I'm Taylor! I just turned 8 and I live in a cool place called Greenore in Co. Louth. It's near the sea and there are lots of big hills and green fields. I love living here because we get to do fun stuff like going to the beach and climbing the hills. My favourite place is the old railway station. It's not used anymore but it's fun to imagine the trains that used to come and go.

Another thing I love about Greenore is the big golf club. I don't play golf yet but I like watching people swing their clubs and hit the balls. The golf course is really big and pretty! I also like seeing the big ships at the port. They come from all over the world and it's exciting to imagine where they're going next. Greenore is small but it's full of adventures!

  1. What is your favourite thing about living in Greenore?
  2. Why do you think the old railway station is interesting?
  3. How do you feel when you see the big ships at the port?
  4. What would you like to learn about golf?
  5. Can you imagine a new adventure in Greenore? What would it be?

The Logainm of Greenore

Greenore is a small village in County Louth, Ireland. It's a special place with a unique name. 'Greenore' is actually an English version of its Irish name 'Grianán', which means 'sunny place'. Isn't that lovely? Imagine living in a sunny place!

Many years ago, people didn't speak English in Ireland, they spoke Irish. The name 'Grianán' was used to describe this place because it often had beautiful, sunny weather. Over time, as more people started speaking English, 'Grianán' was translated to 'Greenore' so that it was easier for everyone to say. The name still holds its sunny meaning though!

Today, Greenore is still a sunny and cheerful place, with lots of friendly people. It has a busy port where ships come and go, carrying goods from all over the world. So next time you're in a sunny mood, remember the little village of Greenore, the sunny place!

  1. What is the meaning of 'Greenore' in English?
  2. What language was spoken in Ireland before English?
  3. Why was 'Grianán' translated to 'Greenore'?
  4. What is special about the weather in Greenore?
  5. What is a significant feature of Greenore today?

Slideshow - Greenore
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Greenore