Welcome to Grange West

Grange West is a small townland in County Cork, Ireland. It's a place full of green fields and friendly people, much like a lot of other places in Ireland. But every place has its own special story, and so does Grange West.

Long, long ago, before any of us were born, Grange West was home to a big, old castle. This castle was owned by a powerful family called the O'Donovans. They were very important people in olden times. Imagine living in a castle, wouldn't that be fun?

Even though the castle isn't there anymore, if you visit Grange West today, you can still see a special stone that was part of the castle. It's called the "Bullaun Stone". A Bullaun Stone is a big rock with a hole in it. People in ancient times believed these stones had magical powers to cure illnesses.

So, even though Grange West may seem like just another townland in County Cork, it has a rich history dating back hundreds of years. Next time when you're there, don't forget to look for the Bullaun Stone and imagine the old castle that once stood there.

  1. What is the name of the powerful family who owned the castle in Grange West?
  2. What is a Bullaun Stone?
  3. What did people in ancient times believe a Bullaun Stone could do?
  4. Why do you think the O'Donovans were considered very important people in olden times?
  5. If you had a chance to visit Grange West, what would you look forward to seeing and why?

All About Grange West

Grange West in County Cork, Ireland, is a very special place. It's like a big, green playground made by Mother Nature herself. The fields are like green patchwork quilts, with lots of cows and sheep playing hide and seek.

One of your favourite things in Grange West might be the Grange Stone Circle. It's like a giant ring of standing stones, like a necklace made by giants who left it behind. Some people even say it's magical!

The local streets, like the Main Street, are lined with trees and flowers that change with the seasons. In spring, you can see daffodils dancing in the breeze, and in autumn, the leaves turn into a sea of red and gold.

There are also lots of little creatures living here. You might spot rabbits hopping in the fields, or birds singing in the trees. Don't forget to look in the clear, bubbling streams for darting fish!

On a clear day, you can see the Nagle Mountains in the distance. They're like giant, sleeping giants covered in a soft, green blanket.

So, come and explore Grange West, where every day is a new adventure!.

  1. What is the Grange Stone Circle and why might it be considered special?
  2. Describe the changes in the local flora during different seasons.
  3. Can you list some of the animals that live in Grange West?
  4. Using a map, can you find the Nagle Mountains and explain their relation to Grange West?
  5. Plan a trip to Grange West. What geographical features would you like to explore and why?

My Family and Grange West

Hi there! My name is Jamie, and I just turned 8 years old. I live in a pretty cool place called Grange West in Co. Cork. It's in Ireland in case you didn't know. It's such a fun place to grow up! We have so many things to do here.

One of my favorite places to go is the Grange Stone Circle. It's this big circle of giant rocks that people say are really, really old. I like going there with my friends to play hide and seek. It's super fun because there are so many places to hide.

There's also this place called Lough Gur. It's a big lake where we sometimes go for picnics. I love watching the ducks swimming on the lake. They are so cute! My mom says the lake is a bit magical because it's very old and has many stories to tell.

What I love most about living in Grange West is that everyone is super nice. My neighbors, Mrs. O'Brien, sometimes bakes cookies for me and my friends. They are the best cookies ever! I feel so lucky to be living here. If you ever visit Ireland, you should come to Grange West. You'll love it here too!

  1. What is your favorite place in Grange West and why?
  2. Can you describe what the Grange Stone Circle looks like?
  3. How does it feel when you are at Lough Gur?
  4. What are some of the stories about Lough Gur that you have heard?
  5. Can you describe one of your neighbors and how they make Grange West a great place to live?

The Logainm of Grange West

Grange West is a lovely area in County Cork, Ireland. The word 'Grange' is an English translation of the Irish word 'Gráinseach', which means a barn, granary, or a farm. 'West' is simply a direction. So, 'Grange West' in English means 'the Western Farm'.

In the old times, people in Ireland used to farm a lot. They grew their food and stored it in barns. These barns or farms were called 'Gráinseach'. With time, as people started speaking more English, they began to call it 'Grange'. And since this Grange is located in the western part of County Cork, it is known as 'Grange West'.

Fast forward to today, Grange West still has farms and a lot of greenery. It's a beautiful place where people live and work. Some people still farm, but now there are also schools, shops, and other businesses. The old Irish name 'Gráinseach' reminds us of its farming history.

  1. What is the English meaning of 'Grange West'?
  2. What does the Irish word 'Gráinseach' mean?
  3. Why do you think the place is called 'Grange West'?
  4. What kind of work did people do in Grange West in old times?
  5. What kind of work do people do in Grange West today?

Slideshow - Grange West
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Grange West