Lesson 1: History - The Origins of Grace Park Dublin
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Access to internet, Projector, Whiteboard, Markers Discuss about Grace Park Dublin and its history. Explain how place names can reveal a lot about the history of a place. Activity 1: Interactive Presentation about the history of Grace Park. Activity 2: Discussion about the meaning of 'Grace Park' and its historical significance. Activity 3: Students create a timeline of historical events related to Grace Park. Summarize the history and the importance of understanding placenames. Check the timelines made by students. Ask questions to ensure understanding.
Lesson 2: History - Notable Person from Grace Park Dublin
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Internet, Projector, Paper, Pens Introduce prominent Irish writer James Joyce who lived near Grace Park. Discuss his contribution to literature. Activity 1: Read excerpts from Joyce's works. Activity 2: Discuss the time period when Joyce lived. Activity 3: Write a brief biography or a letter to James Joyce. Summarize Joyce's contribution to Irish and world literature. Review the biographies or letters written by students.
Lesson 3: Geography - Natural Features of Grace Park Dublin
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Maps, Internet, Projector Discuss the natural geography of Grace Park, Dublin. Talk about nearby rivers, parks and other natural features. Activity 1: Identify natural features on a map. Activity 2: Discuss the importance of these features for the local ecosystem. Activity 3: Draw their own map including these features. Summarize the importance of understanding local geography. Review the maps drawn by the students for accuracy.
Lesson 4: Geography - Mapping Skills
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Maps, Internet, Projector Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Activity 1: Identify landmarks on a map of Grace Park. Activity 2: Learn about map symbols. Activity 3: Create their own map of the area with symbols. Discuss the importance of maps and how they help us understand our environment. Review the maps created by the students, checking for understanding of symbols and accuracy.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity and Protection of Local Area
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Internet, Projector, Notebooks, Pens Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Discuss the different types of plants and animals found in the area. Activity 2: Discuss the threats to biodiversity in the area. Activity 3: Brainstorm ways to protect biodiversity in Grace Park. Summarize the importance of protecting biodiversity and the role they can play. Review their brainstorming notes and assess their understanding of the concept of biodiversity and its protection.
Lesson 6: Visual Arts - Art Inspired by Grace Park Dublin
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Art supplies (paint, brushes, paper) Discuss how local areas can be an inspiration for art. Activity 1: Look at pictures of Grace Park and discuss what they see. Activity 2: Choose a scene or aspect of Grace Park to draw or paint. Activity 3: Share their artwork with the class. Summarize the importance of art in expressing our thoughts and feelings about our environment. Assess the students' artwork based on creativity and their ability to express their thoughts and feelings about Grace Park.