Lesson 1 Objective 1
Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of Grace O'Malley
Introduction: Introduce Grace O'Malley to the students by showing pictures and asking if they know who she is. Explain that she was an inspirational woman who lived in Ireland. Development: Provide information about Grace O'Malley's life, where and when she lived, and what she is famous for. Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussion.
Conclusion: Recap the main points about Grace O'Malley and have a class discussion about what the students find interesting or inspiring about her. Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture of Grace O'Malley and write a short paragraph about what they have learned.

Lesson 2 Objective 2
Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of Grace O'Malley, art supplies
Introduction: Review what the students learned about Grace O'Malley in the previous lesson. Ask them to think about how her contributions to society and culture have impacted their time and the world. Development: Discuss the significant contributions of Grace O'Malley, such as her leadership, maritime skills, and challenging gender norms. Engage the students in a group activity where they create a poster highlighting her contributions.
Conclusion: Have each group present their posters and facilitate a class discussion on the impact Grace O'Malley had on society and culture. Assessment: Assess the group posters based on creativity, accuracy, and understanding of Grace O'Malley's contributions.

Lesson 3 Objective 3
Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of Grace O'Malley, worksheet
Introduction: Ask the students to think about how they can connect Grace O'Malley's life to their own lives. Share some examples of how her bravery and determination can inspire them. Development: Discuss the qualities of Grace O'Malley that the students find inspiring and relate them to their own lives. Provide scenarios where they can apply similar qualities in their daily lives.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion on how the students can be brave and determined like Grace O'Malley in their own lives. Assessment: Distribute a worksheet where students can write about a situation where they can apply the qualities of Grace O'Malley. Review and provide feedback on their responses.

Lesson 4 Objective 4
Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of Grace O'Malley, art supplies
Introduction: Show the students a timeline of Grace O'Malley's life. Explain that they will create their own timeline to visually represent her life events. Development: Provide the students with key events in Grace O'Malley's life and have them create a timeline using art supplies. Encourage creativity and accuracy.
Conclusion: Have each student present their timeline and explain the significance of the events they included. Assessment: Assess the timelines based on accuracy, completeness, and creativity.

Lesson 5 Objective 1, Objective 2
Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of Grace O'Malley, books about historical figures
Introduction: Review what the students have learned about Grace O'Malley so far. Explain that they will compare her to other inspirational women in history. Development: Introduce other inspirational women in history, such as Rosa Parks and Marie Curie. Discuss their contributions and compare them to the contributions of Grace O'Malley.
Conclusion: Have a class discussion on the similarities and differences between the inspirational women discussed. Ask the students to reflect on the impact these women had on society and culture. Assessment: Assess the students based on their participation in the discussion and their ability to make connections between the different inspirational women.

Lesson 6 Objective 3, Objective 4
Time allocation: 60 minutes Resources needed: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of Grace O'Malley, craft materials
Introduction: Ask the students to think about how they can honor and remember Grace O'Malley's legacy in their own lives. Development: Guide the students in creating a craft project that represents Grace O'Malley and her accomplishments. Encourage them to include key events from her timeline.
Conclusion: Have the students present their craft projects and explain the significance of the elements they included. Assessment: Assess the craft projects based on creativity, accuracy, and understanding of Grace O'Malley's life.