All about Grace O'Malley

Grace O'Malley, also known as GrĂ¡inne Mhaol, was an amazing woman who lived a long time ago in Ireland. She was born in 1530 and grew up in a time when girls were not always allowed to do the same things as boys.

But Grace was different. She loved the sea and wanted to be a sailor just like her father. She learned how to sail and became a great captain of her own ship. She even had her own pirate crew!

Grace was known for being fearless and brave. She sailed all around the coast of Ireland, protecting her people from enemies. She fought against the English who tried to take over her land and even met with the famous Queen Elizabeth I to ask for peace.

Grace was also a great leader. She helped her people during tough times and made sure they had enough food and protection. She even built a castle called Rockfleet Castle, where she lived with her family.

Grace O'Malley was a strong and determined woman who showed everyone that girls can do anything they set their minds to. Her story is an inspiration to us all, and we can learn a lot from her bravery and leadership.

  1. What was Grace O'Malley's other name?
  2. When was Grace O'Malley born?
  3. Why was Grace O'Malley different from other girls?
  4. What did Grace O'Malley do to protect her people?
  5. Why is Grace O'Malley considered an inspiration to others?

A Visit to Ireland

Hi, my name is Georgia and I am 8 years old. Today, I want to tell you about my amazing visit to Ireland! It was so much fun and I learned a lot of interesting things. One of the places we went to was a tourist attraction that was influenced by a famous woman named Grace O'Malley. Have you ever heard of her? Well, let me tell you all about it!

Grace O'Malley, also known as GrĂ¡inne Mhaol, was a brave pirate queen from Ireland. She lived a long time ago in the 16th century. She was so cool! She sailed the seas and had her own ships. Can you imagine that? I think it would be so awesome to be a pirate like her!

When we visited Ireland, we went to a place called Westport House. It was a big, beautiful house that used to belong to Grace O'Malley's family. We got to go inside and see all the fancy rooms. There was even a room with a secret door! It was like something out of a fairy tale.

We also learned about the history of the house and about Grace O'Malley's adventures. I found out that she was the first woman who was allowed to speak in the Irish Parliament. That's really impressive, don't you think?

Visiting Westport House made me feel like I was a part of history. It was so exciting to walk where Grace O'Malley once walked. I could almost imagine her running through the halls, planning her next big adventure.

  1. Who was Grace O'Malley?
  2. What was the name of the tourist attraction we visited in Ireland?
  3. What was special about Grace O'Malley's family home?
  4. What did we learn about Grace O'Malley's adventures?
  5. How did visiting Westport House make me feel?

Grace O'Malley Fact Finder

Year Born 
Place Born
Most famous for...
Is there anything named after them?
If deceased, year they died
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Grace O'Malley, your job is to create a timeline of their life. You should add all the important events in their life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!
Slideshow - Grace O'Malley
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