Welcome to Gowran

Gowran is a special little townland in County Kilkenny, Ireland. Many, many years ago, even before your great-great-great grandparents were born, it was a royal place! Yes, that's right, it was the home of kings from the kingdom of Ossory.

One of the most interesting things about Gowran is its church, St. Mary’s Collegiate Church. This isn't just any church, it's a very old one, built way back in the 13th century. That's over 800 years ago! Imagine all the stories it would tell if it could talk.

One of the kings who lived here was named James Butler. King James loved horses and he started The Gowran Park racecourse in 1914. This place is still used today for horse racing.

Gowran is also famous for a special treasure found there. It's a piece of an old helmet from Viking times, which is now kept in the National Museum of Ireland.

So, even though Gowran is small, it's packed with history and stories from a long, long time ago. Don't you think it's interesting how much history a little place can have?

  1. What was special about Gowran many years ago?
  2. What is the name of the church in Gowran and when was it built?
  3. Who was James Butler and what did he start in Gowran?
  4. What special treasure was found in Gowran and where is it now?
  5. Why do you think it's interesting that a small place like Gowran has so much history?

All About Gowran

Gowran, in County Kilkenny, Ireland, is a charming town filled with fun things to see and learn about. It's surrounded by lush green fields and beautiful landscapes. One of the most exciting places in Gowran is St. Mary's Church, a lovely old building that has been standing for hundreds of years. It's easy to spot because it's the tallest building in town.

A walk through Gowran will show you lots of unique plants and animals. You might see cows and sheep grazing in the fields. In the gardens and parks, you'll find pretty flowers like roses and daisies. If you're really lucky, you might even spot a fox or a hare running in the fields!

One of the most beautiful natural features in Gowran is the Duiske River. It's a small, peaceful river that flows right through the town. You might see ducks swimming in it or dragonflies buzzing around it on a sunny day.

In the centre of town, you'll find the Main Street lined with traditional Irish shops and houses. You'll also see benches where you can sit and enjoy a sandwich or an ice cream. So, that's a little about Gowran, a lovely town filled with nature and history!

  1. What is the tallest building in Gowran and why is it significant?
  2. Name some of the plants and animals you might see on a walk through Gowran.
  3. Describe the Duiske River and its importance to the town of Gowran.
  4. Using a map of Gowran, can you identify and describe the key features of the town's geography?
  5. Explore Gowran yourself and find one geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Gowran

Hi there! My name is Emery and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Gowran, in Co. Kilkenny. It's a small town but it's filled with really amazing things.

Right next to my house is the Gowran Park. It's not just an ordinary park. It's a racecourse where horses run really, really fast. Sometimes, my friends and I pretend to be horses and race each other. It's super fun!

There's also this old, old church in our town called St. Mary's Collegiate Church. It's not like our school at all, even though it's called a 'collegiate'. It's a big, old stone building with lots of history. My teacher says it's been standing there for more than 800 years! Can you believe that?

And, did I tell you about the Gowran Castle? It's a real castle, just like in the fairy tales. It's not far from my house. Sometimes, I imagine I'm a brave knight or a powerful queen ruling the castle.

So, that's my town, Gowran. I think it's the best place to be. It's small, but it's filled with adventures every single day.

  1. What is the name of the park near Emery's house?
  2. What does Emery and their friends pretend to be at the park?
  3. What is the name of the old church in Gowran?
  4. What does Emery imagine when they think about Gowran Castle?
  5. How does Emery feel about their town, Gowran?

The Logainm of Gowran

Gowran, located in County Kilkenny, is a special place with a name that has fascinating roots. In the Irish language, Gowran is known as 'Gabhrán'. This word might sound a little strange, but it actually refers to a 'small goat'. Yes, you heard it right! A 'small goat'! This might make you wonder if there were many small goats in Gowran in the past.

Long ago, names of places were often linked to what people saw or experienced in that area. Perhaps, Gowran had lots of little goats hopping around, and that's how it got its name. Isn't it fun to imagine a place full of small goats?

Today, Gowran is known not for its goats, but for its impressive church and a fun racecourse. Even though we don't see many small goats around, the name 'Gabhrán' reminds us of its playful past. It's like a secret only you and Gowran share!

  1. What is the Irish name for Gowran and what does it mean in English?
  2. Why do you think Gowran was named after a 'small goat'?
  3. What are some of the things Gowran is known for today?
  4. How does knowing the Irish name of Gowran help us understand its history?
  5. Can you think of a reason why we still use the name 'Gabhrán' for Gowran, even though it's not filled with small goats anymore?

Slideshow - Gowran
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Gowran