Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Gortroe Co. Cork 60 minutes Books, Internet, Maps Introduction to the history of Gortroe Co. Cork, focusing on the origin of its name. Activity 1: Research the origin of the name Gortroe. Activity 2: Create a timeline of Gortroe's history. Activity 3: Write a short story about the early settlers of Gortroe. Summarize the history of Gortroe and its significance. Assess the timeline and short story for understanding and creativity.
Lesson 2: Notable Person from the area 60 minutes Books, Internet Introduction to a notable person from or near Gortroe Co. Cork. Activity 1: Research about the notable person's life. Activity 2: Create a biography of the notable person. Activity 3: Role-play an interview with the notable person. Discuss the contributions of the notable person to Gortroe or Ireland as a whole. Assess the biography and role-play for understanding and creativity.
Lesson 3: Geography of Gortroe 60 minutes Maps, Internet, Field trip (if possible) Introduction to the natural geography of Gortroe, including rivers, mountains, lakes, etc. Activity 1: Identify the different geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Research about one geographical feature. Activity 3: If possible, visit a geographical feature and make observations. Summarize the geographical features of Gortroe and their importance. Assess the geographical feature research and observations for understanding.
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Drawing materials Introduction to mapping skills and the importance of maps. Activity 1: Identify key features on a map of Gortroe. Activity 2: Draw a simple map of Gortroe. Activity 3: Use a map to plan a route from school to a local landmark. Discuss the importance of maps and how they are used in everyday life. Assess the drawn maps and planned routes for understanding and accuracy.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Gortroe 60 minutes Internet, Field trip (if possible) Introduction to biodiversity and its importance. Activity 1: Identify different species living in Gortroe. Activity 2: Research about one species. Activity 3: If possible, visit a local area and observe the different species. Discuss the importance of biodiversity and how to protect it. Assess the species research and observations for understanding.
Lesson 6: Art inspired by Gortroe 60 minutes Art materials Introduction to using the local area as a stimulus for art. Activity 1: Sketch a landscape of Gortroe. Activity 2: Paint a local landmark. Activity 3: Create a collage using natural materials found in Gortroe. Discuss the importance of art in expressing our connection to our local area. Assess the art pieces for creativity and connection to Gortroe.