Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Gortaroo 60 Minutes Local history books, Internet Introduction to the history and origin of the place name Gortaroo
  • Discuss the history of the area
  • Research the place name origin
  • Create a timeline of historical events
Summarize the key points of Gortaroo's history Orally quiz students on what they learned
2: Notable Person 60 Minutes Biographies, Internet Introduction to a notable person from nearby Gortaroo
  • Discuss the person's life and achievements
  • Role play an interview with the person
  • Create a biography poster
Discuss the person's impact on the local area Assess the biography poster and role play
3: Geography 60 Minutes Maps, Internet Introduction to the natural geography of Gortaroo
  • Identify key geographical features on a map
  • Discuss the importance of these features
  • Create a clay model of the area
Discuss how geography impacts lifestyle Assess the accuracy of the clay models
4: Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Blank maps, markers Introduction to mapping skills
  • Discuss map symbols and keys
  • Create a map of Gortaroo
  • Design a treasure hunt using the map
Discuss the importance of accurate mapping Assess the accuracy and creativity of the maps and treasure hunts
5: Biodiversity 60 Minutes Field guides, magnifying glasses Introduction to biodiversity and its importance
  • Identify different species in the local area
  • Discuss their roles in the ecosystem
  • Create a poster on how to protect the local biodiversity
Discuss the importance of conservation Assess the accuracy and creativity of the posters
6: Visual Arts 60 Minutes Art supplies Introduction to using the local area as an art inspiration
  • Discuss different art mediums
  • Create an artwork inspired by Gortaroo
  • Present and discuss their artworks
Discuss the different interpretations of the same area Assess the creativity and effort put into the artworks