Welcome to Gorey corporation lands

Gorey Corporation Lands is a special area in a county called Wexford in Ireland. It's called a 'townland', a little like your neighborhood! Even though it doesn't have big, famous stories like some other places, it has its own quiet history.

A long, long time ago, before your great-great-grandparents were born, people started to live here. They built homes, planted crops, and raised animals. Imagine living without electricity, mobile phones, or cars! These early settlers did just that, making life work with what they had.

The name 'Gorey Corporation Lands' is quite unique, isn't it? 'Gorey' is the name of the town nearby, and 'Corporation Lands' means it once belonged to the town's government. This area used to be a place where the town could grow food or let animals graze.

Over the years, the landscape has changed. Many of the farm fields have been replaced with houses, shops, and schools, just like the one you go to. Even though it looks different now, the history of the Gorey Corporation Lands lives on. Just think, you're a part of that history now too!

  1. What does the term 'townland' mean?
  2. What does 'Gorey Corporation Lands' mean?
  3. How has the landscape of Gorey Corporation Lands changed over the years?
  4. Why do you think it's important to know about the history of the place where you live?
  5. Imagine you lived in the Gorey Corporation Lands long ago. What do you think would be different about your daily life?

All About Gorey corporation lands

Gorey, in County Wexford, is a lively and colourful place in Ireland. It is filled with interesting streets like Main Street, where you can find lots of shops and fun places to visit.

Gorey is surrounded by beautiful nature. There are lots of different plants and animals that call Gorey their home. If you visit, you might see hares hopping in the fields or swans swimming in the River Slaney. You might also see wildflowers like primroses and bluebells blooming brightly.

The River Slaney flows nearby, like a silvery ribbon winding through the landscape. It's a perfect place for ducks and fishes. It's not a mountainous area, but it does have lovely rolling hills that are great for exploring.

Gorey also has interesting street furniture. You might not know, but street furniture is everything that you see on the streets like benches, lampposts, and even the pretty flower boxes that decorate the town.

Gorey is a lovely place with lots to see and explore. So, put on your adventure boots and come see it for yourself!.

  1. What kinds of plants and animals might you see if you visit Gorey?
  2. Describe the River Slaney and its significance to the geography of Gorey.
  3. What is meant by 'street furniture' and what are some examples you might find in Gorey?
  4. Using a map of Gorey, identify and describe the locations of Main Street and the River Slaney.
  5. Explore the area of Gorey either online or in person. Find and describe something of geographical interest that hasn't been mentioned in this article.

My Family and Gorey corporation lands

Hi, I'm Pat! I just turned 8 and I live in Gorey corporation lands in Co. Wexford. It's really cool here because there's lots to see and do. There's this big old castle called Gorey Castle - it's super old and really tall. Sometimes I like to pretend I'm a prince or princess living in the castle.

There's also a big park where I play soccer with my friends. We have a lot of fun, and sometimes we even see rabbits hopping around! My favourite shop is Partridge's. They have the best ice cream. Chocolate is my favourite, but sometimes I have strawberry too.

But the best thing about living here are the beaches. We go to Ballymoney beach a lot. I love building sandcastles, catching crabs in the rock pools and swimming in the sea. It's the best place ever!

  1. What is the name of the castle in Gorey corporation lands?
  2. What games does Pat like to play in the park?
  3. What is Pat's favourite ice cream flavour at Partridge's?
  4. What activities does Pat enjoy doing at Ballymoney beach?
  5. Why does Pat think Gorey corporation lands is the best place ever?

The Logainm of Gorey corporation lands

Gorey Corporation Lands is a special place in County Wexford, Ireland. Its name in Irish is "Logainm de Chorpachas Guaire". It might sound tricky, but it simply means the lands owned by the Gorey Corporation. A corporation is a group that works together, like a team. Many years ago, this team was responsible for running the town of Gorey!

In the olden days, the Gorey Corporation was very important. They made decisions about what happened in the town. They decided where to build roads, schools, and parks. They even collected taxes from the people living there. The lands they owned were used for many things, like farming and building houses.

Today, the Gorey Corporation doesn't exist anymore. But the lands they once owned are still called the Gorey Corporation Lands. They remind us of the time when Gorey was run by its own special team. Now, the town is run by local government, but the name remains the same. So, the Gorey Corporation Lands is like a piece of history that we can still see and talk about today!

  1. What does "Logainm de Chorpachas Guaire" mean in English?
  2. What was the Gorey Corporation responsible for in the past?
  3. What were the Gorey Corporation Lands used for?
  4. Who runs the town of Gorey now?
  5. Why is it important to remember the Gorey Corporation Lands?

Slideshow - Gorey corporation lands
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Gorey corporation lands