Lesson 1: Introduction to Golda Meir
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Pictures of Golda Meir, World map, chart paper, markers
  • Show pictures of Golda Meir and ask the children if they recognize her.
  • Explain that Golda Meir was an inspirational woman who lived in Israel.
  • Discuss with the children what they already know about Golda Meir.
  • Show the world map and locate Israel.
  • Tell the children about Golda Meir's life and her role as the Prime Minister of Israel.
  • Have a class discussion about why Golda Meir is an inspirational woman.
  • Ask the children to think about what they have learned and share one interesting fact about Golda Meir.
  • Observe the children's participation in the class discussion.
  • Check their understanding through their responses during the conclusion.
Lesson 2: Golda Meir's Contributions
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Books or online resources about Golda Meir, art supplies
  • Recap the previous lesson by asking the children to share what they remember about Golda Meir.
  • Explain that in this lesson, they will explore Golda Meir's contributions to society and culture.
  • Provide books or online resources about Golda Meir for the children to read or browse.
  • Ask the children to take notes or create a mind map of Golda Meir's contributions.
  • Encourage them to think about the impact Golda Meir had on her time and how her work has influenced the world.
  • Allow the children to create artwork or posters depicting Golda Meir's contributions.
  • Ask the children to share their findings and artwork with the class.
  • Discuss the importance of Golda Meir's contributions and how they have made a difference.
  • Review the children's notes or mind maps to assess their understanding of Golda Meir's contributions.
  • Observe their artwork or posters to see if they accurately depict Golda Meir's work.
Lesson 3: Golda Meir and Me
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Paper, pencils, markers
  • Ask the children to think about how Golda Meir's life and work relate to their own lives.
  • Explain that in this lesson, they will explore the connection between Golda Meir and themselves.
  • Provide each child with a piece of paper and ask them to write or draw about a time when they have shown leadership or made a positive impact.
  • Encourage them to think about how their actions are similar to Golda Meir's.
  • Allow the children to share their stories or drawings with the class.
  • Lead a class discussion about the similarities and differences between the children's actions and Golda Meir's.
  • Highlight the importance of taking responsibility and making a positive impact.
  • Review the children's stories or drawings to assess their ability to connect Golda Meir's life to their own.
  • Observe their participation and contribution during the class discussion.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Chart paper, markers, pictures of Golda Meir's life events
  • Explain that in this lesson, the children will design a timeline of Golda Meir's life.
  • Show pictures of Golda Meir's life events and briefly explain each one.
  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with chart paper and markers.
  • Ask them to create a timeline of Golda Meir's life, including important events and dates.
  • Provide pictures of Golda Meir's life events for the children to cut out and include on their timelines.
  • Ask each group to present their timeline to the class.
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between the timelines and highlight the key events in Golda Meir's life.
  • Assess the accuracy and completeness of each group's timeline.
  • Observe their presentation skills and ability to explain the significance of the events.
Lesson 5: Golda Meir's Legacy
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources needed: Videos or articles about Golda Meir's legacy, paper, pencils
  • Ask the children to think about what they believe Golda Meir's legacy is.
  • Explain that in this lesson, they will explore Golda Meir's lasting impact on the world.
  • Show videos or articles about Golda Meir's legacy.
  • Ask the children to take notes or write down key points about her impact.
  • Encourage them to think about how Golda Meir's work continues to influence the world today.
  • Lead a class discussion about Golda Meir's legacy and ask the children to share their thoughts and insights.
  • Discuss the importance of recognizing and celebrating inspiring individuals like Golda Meir.
  • Review the children's notes or written responses to assess their understanding of Golda Meir's legacy.
  • Observe their participation and engagement during the class discussion.
Lesson 6: Reflecting on Golda Meir
Time Allocation: 30 minutes
Resources needed: Reflection worksheets
  • Ask the children to reflect on what they have learned about Golda Meir throughout the previous lessons.
  • Explain that in this lesson, they will have an opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings about Golda Meir's life and work.
  • Provide the children with reflection worksheets that include prompts such as "What impressed you most about Golda Meir?", "How do you think Golda Meir's work has influenced the world?", and "What can you learn from Golda Meir's story?".
  • Allow the children time to complete their reflections.
  • Invite the children to share their reflections with the class, if they feel comfortable.
  • Encourage a respectful and supportive environment for sharing thoughts and feelings.
  • Review the children's reflection worksheets to assess their understanding and personal connection to Golda Meir.
  • Observe their willingness to share and participate in the class discussion.