Lesson 1: History of Gneevgullia Co. Kerry ```html
Time allocation1 hour
Resources neededBooks, Internet, projector
IntroductionIntroduction to Gneevgullia Co. Kerry, its historical significance and the meaning of its placename.
  1. Discussion about the history of the area.
  2. Investigation of the meaning behind the placename.
  3. Project work on the historical events linked to the area
ConclusionSummarize what has been learnt and how it relates to the wider history of Ireland.
AssessmentOral questioning and project evaluation.
``` Lesson 2: Notable Person ```html
Time allocation1 hour
Resources neededBooks, Internet
IntroductionIntroduction to a notable person from the area.
  1. Discussion about the life and achievements of the person.
  2. Research about the person's background and contribution to society.
  3. Role play or dramatization of a significant event in the person's life.
ConclusionSummarize the person's impact on the local and national level.
AssessmentWritten biography and oral presentation about the person.
``` Lesson 3: Geography of the Area ```html
Time allocation1 hour
Resources neededMaps, Internet, books
IntroductionIntroduction to the geography of Gneevgullia Co. Kerry.
  1. Discussion about the topography of the area.
  2. Exploration of the local rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.
  3. Activity on identifying these geographical features on a map.
ConclusionSummarize the geographical features and their importance to the area.
AssessmentMap identification quiz and oral questioning.
``` Lesson 4: Mapping Skills ```html
Time allocation1 hour
Resources neededMaps, compass, ruler
IntroductionIntroduction to mapping skills.
  1. Teaching basic mapping skills.
  2. Practice of mapping the local area.
  3. Group task of creating a detailed map of Gneevgullia Co. Kerry.
ConclusionSummarize the importance of mapping skills and their practical application.
AssessmentEvaluation of the created maps and oral questioning.
``` Lesson 5: Biodiversity ```html
Time allocation1 hour
Resources neededInternet, books, local flora and fauna guides
IntroductionIntroduction to biodiversity and its importance.
  1. Discussion about local biodiversity.
  2. Exploration of the area for different species.
  3. Activity on brainstorming ideas for protecting the local biodiversity.
ConclusionSummarize the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it.
AssessmentPresentation of ideas and oral questioning.
``` Lesson 6: Visual Arts ```html
Time allocation1.5 hours
Resources neededPaints, brushes, paper, pencils
IntroductionIntroduction to visual arts, using the local area as a stimulus.
  1. Discussion about how the local area can inspire artwork.
  2. Creation of sketches or paintings inspired by Gneevgullia Co. Kerry.
  3. Exhibition of the created artwork.
ConclusionDiscuss the created artworks and the inspiration behind them.
AssessmentEvaluation of the created artwork and the explanation behind the creation.