Welcome to Gneevgullia

Gneevgullia is a charming little townland in County Kerry, Ireland. It's a magical place, full of green fields and friendly people. But did you know that Gneevgullia has a special story too?

Many years ago, Gneevgullia was known for its talented storytellers. People from all around would come to listen to the tales spun by these gifted folks. One of the most famous storytellers was a man named Eamon Kelly. He was known as the "King of the Storytellers!" Imagine that, a king in Gneevgullia!

Eamon used to tell stories about fairies, giants, and heroes from olden times. His stories were so good that they were even broadcast on the radio! Can you imagine your bedtime stories being played for the whole country to hear?

So, even though Gneevgullia might seem like a small place, it has a big history. It's a place where stories come alive, where each stone and tree has a tale to tell. And who knows? Maybe the next great storyteller could be from Gneevgullia. Maybe it could be you!

  1. What is Gneevgullia known for?
  2. Who was Eamon Kelly?
  3. What kind of stories did Eamon Kelly tell?
  4. Why do you think people from all around came to listen to the storytellers of Gneevgullia?
  5. If you were a storyteller, what kind of stories would you tell and why?

All About Gneevgullia

Gneevgullia is a special place nestled in the heart of County Kerry, Ireland. It's filled with lots of exciting things to see and do. One of the most impressive natural sights is the Paps of Anu, two rounded mountains that watch over the area like gentle giants.

Running through Gneevgullia is the Blackwater River. It's not really black, but a sparkly blue and is home to playful otters and beautiful swans. On its banks, you can see lots of lovely green trees like oak and ash, and in spring, the ground is dotted with colourful wildflowers.

Take a walk down the quiet country lanes and you'll see old stone walls, traditional Irish cottages and maybe even a friendly horse or two. Listen carefully and you might hear the chirp of a skylark or the bleating of sheep in the fields.

In Gneevgullia, there's a very special place called the 'Fairy Fort'. It's an ancient circular enclosure made long, long ago. Some locals believe it's a magical place where fairies live. But remember, it's important to respect these sites and leave no trace behind.

So, Gneevgullia is a wonderful spot full of nature's treasures and Irish charm. Don't you think it sounds like a fun place to explore?

  1. What are the Paps of Anu and what makes them unique in Gneevgullia?
  2. What kind of wildlife can be found in and around the Blackwater River in Gneevgullia?
  3. What is the 'Fairy Fort' and why is it special to the locals in Gneevgullia?
  4. Using a map of County Kerry, can you locate Gneevgullia and the Blackwater River? Describe the geographical features you can see on the map around these areas.
  5. Plan a trip to Gneevgullia. What kind of geographical features or landmarks would you like to explore? Make a list and explain why you have chosen these places.

My Family and Gneevgullia

Hi, I'm Ollie and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Gneevgullia in Co. Kerry. It's really pretty with lots of green fields and old buildings. There's a big stone ring fort nearby that's super old. It's called Ballyharahan Ring Fort. I love climbing on the stones, but I have to be careful because they're very old.

My favourite thing about living here is the Gneevgullia Bog. It's a huge area of peatland where my family and I often go for walks. We see all kinds of birds and animals there. Sometimes we even see deer!

There's also a cool river called the Blackwater River. I love to throw stones in it and watch the ripples. It's fun to see how far I can throw. But the best part is when we have picnics by the river in summer.

I love growing up in Gneevgullia. It's peaceful and I have lots of space to play and explore. I can't wait to tell you more about my adventures here. Bye for now!

  1. What is Ollie's favourite thing about living in Gneevgullia?
  2. What kind of animals can Ollie see in the Gneevgullia Bog?
  3. What does Ollie like to do by the Blackwater River?
  4. Why does Ollie need to be careful while climbing on the stones of Ballyharahan Ring Fort?
  5. How does Ollie feel about growing up in Gneevgullia?

The Logainm of Gneevgullia

Gneevgullia is a special place in County Kerry, Ireland. The name 'Gneevgullia' comes from the Irish language, and it means 'the wind of the small branch'. Long ago, people who lived here named it after the sound wind made when it blew through the small branches of trees. It must have been a special sound to them!

One famous person from Gneevgullia is a man named Pádraig Ó Caoimh. He was a great player of a game called hurling. He was so good that he even won an award called an All-Star! Today, people in Gneevgullia still love to play hurling and remember Pádraig Ó Caoimh for his skill.

Today, the people of Gneevgullia still speak the Irish language. They remember their history and share it with others. Even the name of their place, Gneevgullia, tells a story about their past, the wind, and the small branches. Isn't that amazing?

  1. What does Gneevgullia mean in English?
  2. Who is a famous person from Gneevgullia and what is he known for?
  3. What game do people in Gneevgullia love to play?
  4. What does the name 'Gneevgullia' tell us about its past?
  5. How do people in Gneevgullia keep their history alive today?

Slideshow - Gneevgullia
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Gneevgullia