Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Gloria Steinem, whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils
Introduction: Begin by asking students if they know who Gloria Steinem is. Explain that she is an inspirational woman who made significant contributions to society and culture. Show pictures of Gloria Steinem and ask students to share what they observe.
Development: Provide a brief overview of Gloria Steinem's life, including when and where she lived, and her famous works and achievements. Engage students in a discussion about why she is considered an inspirational woman.
Conclusion: Have students reflect on what they have learned about Gloria Steinem and share their thoughts on why she is an inspirational woman.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture or write a short paragraph about what they find inspiring about Gloria Steinem.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Books or articles about Gloria Steinem, paper, pencils
Introduction: Review what students learned in the previous lesson about Gloria Steinem. Ask them to share any new information they discovered.
Development: Divide students into small groups and provide them with books or articles about Gloria Steinem. In their groups, have them explore her contributions to society and culture. Afterwards, facilitate a class discussion where each group shares their findings.
Conclusion: Discuss as a class the impact Gloria Steinem had on her time and how her work continues to influence the world today.
Assessment: Have students write a short paragraph about one specific contribution of Gloria Steinem that they find most interesting.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Chart paper, markers, pictures of Gloria Steinem, sticky notes
Introduction: Begin by asking students to think about how Gloria Steinem's work and achievements relate to their own lives.
Development: Provide students with chart paper and markers. In small groups, have them create a mind map connecting Gloria Steinem to their own lives. Encourage them to think about how her ideas and advocacy can be applied to their own experiences.
Conclusion: Share the mind maps created by each group and discuss the connections made between Gloria Steinem and the students' lives.
Assessment: Give each student a sticky note and ask them to write one thing they learned about Gloria Steinem that they can apply to their own life. Collect and review the sticky notes.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Timeline template (printed or drawn on chart paper), pictures of Gloria Steinem at different stages of her life, markers, colored pencils
Introduction: Show students a sample timeline and explain its purpose. Discuss why timelines are useful for understanding someone's life.
Development: Provide each student with a timeline template or have them create one on a blank sheet of paper. Using pictures of Gloria Steinem at different stages of her life, have students place and label the pictures on their timelines. Encourage them to add important events or achievements.
Conclusion: Give students time to share their timelines with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the similarities and differences in their timelines.
Assessment: Assess students' timelines based on accuracy, inclusion of important events, and clarity of labeling.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, pencils, markers, craft materials (optional)
Introduction: Begin by asking students to reflect on what they have learned about Gloria Steinem so far. Remind them of her inspiring contributions to society.
Development: Instruct students to create a visual representation of Gloria Steinem's life. They can choose to draw a comic strip, create a collage, or make a mini poster. Encourage them to include key events and important aspects of her life.
Conclusion: Give students an opportunity to share their creations with the class. Discuss how the different visual representations capture Gloria Steinem's life.
Assessment: Assess students' visual representations based on creativity, inclusion of key events, and clarity of message.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, pencils, markers, colored pencils, craft materials (optional)
Introduction: Review what students have learned about Gloria Steinem. Ask them to think about the impact she has had on society.
Development: Instruct students to create a poster celebrating Gloria Steinem's life and achievements. They can include drawings, quotes, or important facts about her. Encourage them to be creative and use colors.
Conclusion: Hang the posters around the classroom and have a gallery walk. Students can discuss the different elements included in each poster and the overall impact of Gloria Steinem's work.
Assessment: Assess students' posters based on creativity, inclusion of key information, and visual impact.