Welcome to Glenalemy

Glenalemy is a very special townland in County Tipperary, Ireland. It's like a page from a storybook, filled with green fields and friendly folk. But do you know it has a magical history too?

Long, long ago, before there were any roads or houses, Glenalemy was covered with thick, mysterious forests. People say they were home to fairies and magical creatures. Can you imagine that?

In the olden days, Glenalemy was part of a big farm, where hardworking people grew vegetables and raised animals. They used horses instead of tractors like we do today!

Even though no big battles were fought here or no famous people were born, Glenalemy is still important. It shows us how people used to live and work on the land.

Today, Glenalemy is a peaceful place, where people love to live. They still remember the old stories, even when they're watching TV or playing video games. So, even though it's small, Glenalemy has a big heart and a rich history.

So you see, every place, no matter how small, has its own special story. And it's these stories that make our world so wonderfully interesting!

  1. What was Glenalemy covered with a long time ago?
  2. What did people use for work in Glenalemy before tractors were invented?
  3. Why is Glenalemy still considered important despite not having any big battles or famous people?
  4. How has Glenalemy changed from the olden days to now?
  5. What makes every place, no matter how small, special according to the story?

All About Glenalemy

Glenalemy is a charming little place in County Tipperary, Ireland. It's a bit like a big, outdoor classroom with so many things to discover.

One of the coolest things about Glenalemy is its beautiful nature. The area is home to lots of different animals like rabbits, foxes, and many types of birds. It's also a real treat for plant lovers, with pretty wildflowers like bluebells and daisies that create a colorful carpet in spring and summer.

Glenalemy doesn't have any big mountains, but it's surrounded by lovely, rolling green hills. And there's a gentle river flowing nearby, called the Anner. It's a perfect spot to play Poohsticks or watch the ducks swimming by.

As for streets, the main one is called Glenalemy Road. It's not just a road, though, it's also a history treasure hunt. Along this road, you can find old stone walls and ancient trees that have been there for hundreds of years.

So, whether you love exploring nature, or just fancy a nice walk, Glenalemy is a great place to be. But remember, always respect nature and leave things just as you found them!.

  1. What types of animals are commonly found in Glenalemy?
  2. Describe the vegetation that can be seen in Glenalemy during spring and summer.
  3. What is the name of the river in Glenalemy and what activities could you do there?
  4. What historical features can be found along Glenalemy Road?
  5. Using a map, can you identify and describe a geographical feature in Glenalemy that was not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Glenalemy

Hi, I'm Emery, and I'm 8-years-old. I live in a really cool place called Glenalemy in Co. Tipperary. I bet a lot of you have never heard of it, but trust me, it's amazing!

Glenalemy is full of green fields, and I love running around them. My friends and I have races to see who can run the fastest. I always win, but don't tell them that. Sometimes, we take picnics and eat our sandwiches under the big old oak trees. It feels like we're in a storybook!

There's a big castle near my house. It's called The Glenalemy Castle, and it's super tall. I like to imagine that a queen or king lived there a long time ago. Maybe they had a pet dragon! I go there with my family on Sundays, and we take lots of pictures.

My favourite place is the Fairy Glen. It's a special forest where fairies live, well, that's what my grandma says. I haven't seen any fairies yet, but I keep looking. One day, I'm sure I'll meet one!

I love living in Glenalemy. It's full of adventures and fun. I can't wait to share more of my stories with you. Bye for now!

  1. What's Emery's favorite place in Glenalemy?
  2. What kind of games does Emery play with their friends in the fields?
  3. What does Emery imagine about the Glenalemy Castle?
  4. Why does Emery like to go to the Fairy Glen?
  5. What does Emery do with their family on Sundays?

The Logainm of Glenalemy

Glenalemy is a special place in County Tipperary, Ireland. 'Glenalemy' is actually an English version of the Irish name 'Gleann Áileamh', which sounds quite magical, doesn't it? This name has a beautiful meaning too: it stands for 'Valley of the Beautiful View'. And that's exactly what Glenalemy is - a valley with stunning views of green fields and charming hills.

Just imagine, many years ago, the first people who lived here looked at these views and decided to call it 'Gleann Áileamh'. They used their native language, Irish, to describe the beauty they saw. Over time, this name transformed into 'Glenalemy' as more and more English-speaking people moved to the area.

Today, even though we use the name 'Glenalemy', the old Irish name and its meaning are not forgotten. They remind us of the rich history of this place and the people who lived here long before us. So, the next time you hear 'Glenalemy', remember the beautiful Irish valley it stands for, and think about the people who gave it this lovely name.

  1. What is the Irish name for Glenalemy and what does it mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the first people who lived in Glenalemy named it 'Gleann Áileamh'?
  3. How did 'Gleann Áileamh' become 'Glenalemy'?
  4. Why is it important to remember the original Irish name and its meaning?
  5. What can the name 'Glenalemy' tell us about the history of this place?

Slideshow - Glenalemy
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Glenalemy