Welcome to Glebe

Glebe is a tiny but lovely townland in County Donegal, Ireland. Now, you might be thinking, "What's a townland?" Well, a townland is the smallest land division in Ireland, like a tiny puzzle piece of the country.

Many, many years ago, Glebe wasn't known as Glebe. Instead, it was called "An Ghléib," which is Irish for "The Glebe." The name "Glebe" comes from an old English word that means land belonging to a church or a priest.

Glebe might not be famous for big battles or famous people, but it has a rich history all its own. The people of Glebe have been farming the land for generations, growing crops and raising animals. They've also built beautiful homes and created a warm, welcoming community.

Even though Glebe is small, it's a place where people have lived, worked, and played for hundreds of years. And that makes it a special part of County Donegal's history. So, even tiny places can have big stories to tell!

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What does the name "Glebe" mean?
  3. What have the people of Glebe been doing for generations?
  4. Why do you think Glebe, despite being small, is considered a special part of County Donegal's history?
  5. If you were to visit Glebe, what would you like to learn more about and why?

All About Glebe

Glebe in County Donegal, Ireland, is a magical place full of history and nature. It's tucked away in the northwest corner of the country, and it's surrounded by beautiful landscapes, like the grand Irish countryside and the breathtaking Atlantic Ocean.

Glebe is famous for its charming streets like Church Street, where you can see St. Patrick's Church, an old, beautiful building. You might also see lots of street furniture like benches and lamp posts, which are perfect for sitting or playing around.

The biggest natural feature in Glebe is the River Eske. It's a beautiful river that flows through the town, where ducks and fish like to swim. If you're lucky, you might even see a heron, a tall bird with long legs and a long beak, fishing for its dinner!

The surrounding countryside is home to many different plants, like the bright yellow gorse bushes and tall, green ferns. It's also home to many animals, like the Irish Hare and the Red Fox. If you visit in spring, you might even see baby animals with their moms!

So, Glebe in Co. Donegal is not just a place on the map, it's a place full of life, nature, and fun things to explore!

  1. What are some of the landscapes that surround Glebe in County Donegal?
  2. Describe the River Eske and its significance to Glebe.
  3. What kind of wildlife can you expect to see in Glebe?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Glebe in County Donegal and identify the main features discussed in the article?
  5. Explore Glebe or your local area to find something of geographical interest. What did you find and why is it interesting?

My Family and Glebe

Hi, I'm Alex and I'm 8 years old. I live in Glebe Co. Donegal, it's a really cool place. I love living here because we have a super big lighthouse that I can see from my bedroom window. It's called St. John's Point and it's the tallest in Ireland! Sometimes, I pretend it's a giant guiding me on my adventures.

There's also a beach near my house where I build sandcastles and collect seashells. The beach is called Rossnowlagh and the waves are so big, they look like mountains. I imagine I am a brave explorer crossing stormy seas whenever I see them.

Oh, and we have a forest too, Ards Forest Park. It's full of different kinds of trees and animals. I like going there with my family for picnics and we play hide and seek. Sometimes, we find fairy houses and trails. I think that's super magical.

Living in Glebe Co. Donegal is fun and exciting. There's always something to explore and imagine. I can't wait to share more of my adventures with you!

  1. What is the name of the lighthouse Alex can see from their bedroom window?
  2. How does Alex feel when they see the waves at Rossnowlagh beach?
  3. What activities does Alex do at Ards Forest Park?
  4. Why does Alex find Ards Forest Park magical?
  5. How does Alex describe living in Glebe Co. Donegal?

The Logainm of Glebe

Glebe is a small place in County Donegal, Ireland. The word 'Glebe' comes from the old English word 'Gleba' which means 'clod' or 'soil'. It was used to name areas of land given to a church or a priest as part of their payment. So, Glebe in Donegal was probably once a piece of land that belonged to a church or a priest.

Long ago, these lands were used by the church to grow food or to rent out to people who would then pay the church. The church used this money to help the poor or to pay for repairs. The lands were very important as they were a way for the church to earn money. Today, Glebe is a lovely place with beautiful landscapes and kind people. It still has the same name, reminding us of a time when it played a crucial role in helping the church and the community.

  1. What does the word 'Glebe' mean in old English?
  2. Why do you think the place Glebe in County Donegal was named so?
  3. How did the church use the lands known as 'Glebe'?
  4. Why were these lands important to the church?
  5. How does the name 'Glebe' connect to its past?

Slideshow - Glebe
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Glebe