
Ghana is a beautiful country located in West Africa. It has many interesting geographical features that make it special. One important feature is the coastline along the Gulf of Guinea, where you can find sandy beaches and warm waters. Inland, there are lush forests with tall trees and colorful birds. These forests are home to many animals like elephants, monkeys, and birds.

There are also big rivers in Ghana, such as the Volta River, which flows through the country and provides water for people and plants. Near the river, you can find large lakes and waterfalls, like the beautiful Wli Waterfall.

In the northern part of Ghana, the landscape is more dry and there are wide savannas with tall grass and acacia trees. People in Ghana grow crops like cocoa, which is used to make chocolate, and they also mine gold and other minerals from the ground.

Overall, Ghana is a diverse country with a mix of different landscapes, from beaches to forests to savannas. It is a special place with lots of natural beauty to explore and enjoy.

  1. What is one important geographical feature of Ghana's coastline?
  2. What kind of animals can be found in the lush forests of Ghana?
  3. Which river flows through Ghana and provides water for people and plants?
  4. How is the landscape in the northern part of Ghana different from the rest of the country?
  5. What are some of the things that people in Ghana grow and mine?

A Visit to Accra

Hi, my name is Isabella and I am 8 years old. Today, I want to tell you all about my exciting visit to Accra, Ghana! It was such an amazing experience that I can't wait to share with you.

  1. We visited the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, a famous tourist attraction in Accra. It's a beautiful monument dedicated to Ghana's first president. The building was so grand, and I learned a lot about Ghana's history there.
  1. What did Isabella enjoy the most about her visit to Accra?
  2. Can you describe the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum?
  3. How did Isabella feel when she learned about Ghana's history at the monument?
  4. What other tourist attractions would you recommend Isabella to visit in Accra?
  5. How do you think Isabella's experience in Accra will impact her perspective on history?

Ghana Fact Finder

Main Cities 
Languages Spoken
National Dishes
Highest Mountain
Longest River
Neighbour Countries
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Ghana, how about creating a guide for a tourist thinking about visiting? You should include a number of landmarks or tourist attractions they should visit. You could also find them accommodation and restaurants. You might design an itinerary on an online mapping site with directions to each place. Be inventive and see what you can produce!
Slideshow - Ghana
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