Lesson 1: Introduction to Georgia O'Keeffe
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork, whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils, art supplies
Introduction: (5 minutes)
- Show pictures of Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork on the whiteboard
- Ask the students if they recognize any of the paintings
- Explain that the artist is Georgia O'Keeffe and she was an inspirational woman
- Share a brief background about her life and her accomplishments
Development: (30 minutes)
- Divide the class into small groups
- Provide each group with a picture of one of Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings
- Ask the groups to discuss and describe the artwork
- Each group presents their findings to the class
- Discuss how the artwork reflects Georgia O'Keeffe's unique style and perspective
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
- Recap the main points learned about Georgia O'Keeffe
- Ask the students how they think her artwork has influenced the world
- Encourage the students to think about how they can express their own unique perspectives through art
Assessment: Ask the students to draw their own artwork inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe's style and write a short paragraph explaining their artistic choices.
Lesson 2: Georgia O'Keeffe's Contributions
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Books or articles about Georgia O'Keeffe, whiteboard, markers
Introduction: (5 minutes)
- Remind the students about Georgia O'Keeffe and her artwork
- Explain that she made important contributions to society and culture
- Ask the students to brainstorm what they think her contributions might be
Development: (30 minutes)
- Provide the students with books or articles about Georgia O'Keeffe
- Allow them to explore and gather information about her contributions
- Discuss the findings as a class and create a list on the whiteboard
- Ask the students to think about how Georgia O'Keeffe's work impacted her time and the world
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
- Review the list of contributions on the whiteboard
- Discuss with the students why they think Georgia O'Keeffe's work is still relevant today
- Encourage the students to think about how they can make their own contributions to society and culture
Assessment: Ask the students to write a short paragraph about one of Georgia O'Keeffe's contributions and how it has influenced the world.
Lesson 3: Connecting Georgia O'Keeffe to Our Lives
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, pencils, art supplies
Introduction: (5 minutes)
- Begin by asking the students if they can think of any connections between Georgia O'Keeffe's life and their own lives
- Discuss any initial ideas as a class
- Explain that they will be exploring this further in the lesson
Development: (30 minutes)
- Ask the students to create a Venn diagram with two circles: one for Georgia O'Keeffe and one for their own lives
- In the overlapping section, have the students write down similarities or connections they can find between the two
- Provide art supplies for the students to create a piece of artwork that represents their connection to Georgia O'Keeffe
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
- Allow the students to share their artwork and explain their connections to Georgia O'Keeffe
- Discuss as a class how artists can inspire and influence each other
- Encourage the students to continue exploring connections between different artists and their own lives
Assessment: Assess the students' Venn diagrams and artwork for their ability to make connections between Georgia O'Keeffe and their own lives.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Georgia O'Keeffe's Life
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, pencils, markers, pictures or information about Georgia O'Keeffe's life
Introduction: (5 minutes)
- Show the students pictures or provide information about important events in Georgia O'Keeffe's life
- Explain that they will be using this information to create a timeline of her life
Development: (30 minutes)
- Divide the students into pairs or small groups
- Provide each group with paper, pencils, and markers
- Ask them to design a timeline of Georgia O'Keeffe's life, including important events and dates
- Allow the students to research and gather information to include on their timelines
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
- Have each group present their timelines to the class
- Discuss the similarities and differences between the timelines
- Reflect on the importance of timelines in understanding historical figures
Assessment: Assess the students' timelines for accuracy and inclusion of important events in Georgia O'Keeffe's life.
Lesson 5: Georgia O'Keeffe's Impact on Art
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork, art supplies, paper, pencils
Introduction: (5 minutes)
- Display pictures of Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork
- Discuss with the students how her work has influenced the world of art
- Explain that they will be creating their own artwork inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe
Development: (30 minutes)
- Provide the students with art supplies, paper, and pencils
- Ask them to choose one of Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings as inspiration for their own artwork
- Encourage them to experiment with color, shapes, and close-up perspectives
- Allow time for the students to create their artwork
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
- Give the students an opportunity to share their artwork with the class
- Discuss how each student's artwork reflects Georgia O'Keeffe's style and impact on art
- Encourage the students to continue exploring different art styles and perspectives
Assessment: Assess the students' artwork based on their ability to capture elements of Georgia O'Keeffe's style and their creativity in expressing their own unique perspectives.
Lesson 6: Reflecting on Georgia O'Keeffe
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Journals or paper, pencils
Introduction: (5 minutes)
- Begin by asking the students to think about what they have learned about Georgia O'Keeffe
- Discuss as a class how her life and work have inspired them
Development: (30 minutes)
- Provide the students with journals or paper and pencils
- Ask them to reflect on how Georgia O'Keeffe's story and artwork have impacted their own lives
- Encourage them to write or draw about their thoughts and feelings
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
- Allow the students to share their reflections with the class (optional)
- Discuss as a class how studying inspirational women like Georgia O'Keeffe can broaden our perspectives and inspire us
- Encourage the students to continue exploring the stories and contributions of other inspirational women
Assessment: Assess the students' reflections for their ability to make connections between Georgia O'Keeffe's life and their own lives, as well as their understanding of the impact of inspirational women.