Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 60 minutes Printed images of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, white paper, pencils, colored pencils Introduce Georges Seurat and his famous artwork, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Show printed images to the students. Discuss the artwork, its style, and techniques used by Seurat. Encourage students to share their thoughts and observations. Ask students to create a quick sketch of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte using pencils and colored pencils. Assess students' understanding of Seurat's artwork and their ability to observe and sketch details.
Lesson 2 60 minutes Paintbrushes, watercolor paints, watercolor paper, printed images of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Remind students about Seurat and his use of pointillism. Show printed images as inspiration. Provide students with watercolor paints and watercolor paper. Instruct them to create their own pointillism artwork inspired by A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Allow students to share their finished artworks with the class. Discuss their color choices and the overall effect of pointillism. Assess students' ability to experiment with pointillism using watercolor paints and their creativity in creating their own artwork.
Lesson 3 60 minutes Colored construction paper, scissors, glue, printed images of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, various magazines or art materials Show printed images of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte and an original artwork inspired by it. Discuss what makes the original artwork inspired by A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Encourage students to identify the elements from Seurat's artwork. Provide students with colored construction paper, scissors, glue, and various art materials. Instruct them to create their own original artwork inspired by A Sunday on La Grande Jatte. Assess students' understanding of what makes an artwork inspired by A Sunday on La Grande Jatte and their ability to create their own original piece using different materials.
Lesson 4 60 minutes Paint, paintbrushes, canvas or sturdy paper, printed images of A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Review A Sunday on La Grande Jatte and the students' previous artworks. Instruct students to create their own painting inspired by A Sunday on La Grande Jatte using paint and canvas or sturdy paper. Provide an opportunity for students to share their finished paintings in a creative way, such as setting up an art gallery or creating a collaborative mural. Assess students' ability to create their own painting inspired by A Sunday on La Grande Jatte and their participation in sharing their work in an interesting way.