Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

Objective 1

The child should explore the themes of the book, American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

Time allocation:

45 minutes

Resources needed:

  • Copies of American Born Chinese
  • Chart paper and markers


1. Introduce the book American Born Chinese to the students.

2. Engage the students in a brief discussion about their initial thoughts on the book cover and title.


1. Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a theme from the book.

2. In their groups, students should read the relevant chapters and discuss the theme, taking notes on the chart paper.


1. Ask each group to present their findings and thoughts on the assigned theme to the class.

2. Facilitate a class discussion on the various themes explored in the book.


Observe students' participation in group discussions and their ability to identify and discuss themes.

Objective 2

The child should be enabled to write a summary of the book American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

Time allocation:

60 minutes

Resources needed:

  • Copies of American Born Chinese
  • Writing paper and pencils


1. Recap the main plot points and characters of American Born Chinese.

2. Explain the importance of writing a summary to capture the essence of a story.


1. Model how to write a summary using a chapter from the book.

2. Provide students with writing paper and have them write their own summaries of the book.


1. Give students the opportunity to share their summaries with the class.

2. Discuss the different approaches and styles used in the summaries.


Review students' written summaries for understanding of the main plot points and ability to summarize effectively.

Objective 3

The child should be enabled to write a review of the book American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

Time allocation:

60 minutes

Resources needed:

  • Copies of American Born Chinese
  • Writing paper and pencils


1. Discuss the purpose of a book review and its components.

2. Show examples of book reviews to the students.


1. Guide students in brainstorming the strengths and weaknesses of American Born Chinese.

2. Instruct students to write their own book reviews, highlighting their personal opinions and reasons.


1. Allow students to share their reviews with the class.

2. Discuss the different perspectives and insights provided by the reviews.


Evaluate students' book reviews based on their ability to express opinions and support them with reasoning.

Objective 4

The child should be enabled to make a plan, write, edit and present their own story based on the themes of American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

Time allocation:

120 minutes (divided into multiple sessions)

Resources needed:

  • Copies of American Born Chinese
  • Writing paper and pencils
  • Story planning templates
  • Art supplies (optional)


1. Discuss the process of creating a story, from planning to editing and presenting.

2. Explain that the story should be based on one or more themes explored in American Born Chinese.


1. Provide students with story planning templates to brainstorm ideas, characters, and plot points.

2. Allow students to work on their stories individually or in small groups, providing guidance and support as needed.

3. Once the stories are written, encourage students to edit and revise their work.


1. Provide a platform for students to present their stories to the class.

2. Celebrate their creativity and effort.


Evaluate students' stories based on their ability to develop a plot, incorporate themes, and present a coherent narrative.