Lesson 1: Introduction to Gahambars
Objective: 1
Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Story book on Zoroastrianism, pictures of Gahambars
Introduction: Introduce the concept of Gahambars and explain their significance in Zoroastrianism.
Development: Read the story of Gahambars to the class and discuss its roots and history.
Conclusion: Have students share their thoughts on the story and what they learned.
Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture depicting a scene from the story.
Lesson 2: Exploring Gahambar Symbols
Objective: 2
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Symbols chart, craft materials
Introduction: Review the symbols associated with Gahambars.
Development: Have students create their own symbols representing Gahambars.
Conclusion: Display and explain the symbols created by students.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by asking them to explain their symbols.
Lesson 3: Connecting Gahambars to Daily Life
Objective: 3
Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Worksheet on daily routines, pictures of Gahambars
Introduction: Discuss how Gahambars can be connected to daily life.
Development: Have students compare their daily routines to the celebrations of Gahambars.
Conclusion: Share and discuss the similarities and differences found.
Assessment: Ask students to write a short paragraph on how they can incorporate Gahambars' values into their daily routines.
Lesson 4: Exploring Gahambar Concepts
Objective: 4
Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Concept cards, whiteboard
Introduction: Introduce key concepts related to Gahambars.
Development: Divide students into groups and have them discuss and present a concept to the class.
Conclusion: Summarize the concepts discussed and clarify any questions.
Assessment: Evaluate students' presentations and participation in the group discussion.
Lesson 5: Gahambar Traditions and Customs
Objective: 2
Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Videos of Gahambar celebrations, traditional Zoroastrian clothing
Introduction: Show videos of Gahambar celebrations and traditional customs.
Development: Have students discuss and list the traditions and customs observed during Gahambars.
Conclusion: Create a class poster showcasing the traditions and customs learned.
Assessment: Assess students' understanding by observing their contributions to the poster.
Lesson 6: Gahambar Celebration Project
Objective: 3
Time: 90 minutes
Resources: Craft materials, group project rubric
Introduction: Assign groups to plan and create a mini Gahambar celebration.
Development: Students work together to design decorations, food, and activities for the celebration.
Conclusion: Each group presents their Gahambar celebration to the class.
Assessment: Evaluate the group projects based on creativity, collaboration, and relevance to Gahambars.