Welcome to Fybagh

Fybagh is a small townland in the beautiful County Kerry, tucked away in the southwest of Ireland. It's a magical place surrounded by green fields, sparkling waters, and lots of friendly animals.

Long, long ago, way before your grandparents or even your great-great-grandparents were born, Fybagh was a bustling spot for fishing. People from all over the land would come to catch fish from the clear, cool waters. Imagine casting a net and pulling up a wriggling, silvery fish!

Though we don't have a big, famous event that happened in Fybagh, the townland has a rich history of people living, working, and playing there for hundreds of years. Its name, Fybagh, even tells us a bit of its history. In the Irish language, it's called 'An Faill Bhac', which means 'the inclined or sloping cliff'. That gives us a clue about the landscape in the old days.

Today, families, farmers, and maybe even a few fairies call Fybagh home. Each day in Fybagh is a new page in its ongoing story. Who knows, maybe one day you'll visit and add your own chapter to the history of Fybagh!

  1. What was Fybagh known for long, long ago?
  2. What does the name 'Fybagh' mean in the Irish language?
  3. Who lives in Fybagh today?
  4. Why do you think Fybagh is described as a "magical" place?
  5. If you visited Fybagh, what chapter would you like to add to its history? Explain why.

All About Fybagh

Fybagh, Co. Kerry, is a very special place in Ireland. It's full of nature's beauty and lots of interesting things for you to explore. The town has many pretty streets, but the most notable is perhaps the Shore Road, which leads you to the beautiful Fybagh Beach. This beach is an exciting place where you can build sand castles, look for shells, and maybe even spot a playful dolphin in the sea!

Fybagh is also home to a variety of plants and animals. If you walk around, you might see colourful wildflowers like fuschia and montbretia, and animals like foxes, rabbits and badgers. You might even spot a majestic red deer if you're lucky! In the town, you'll find traditional Irish street furniture like old-style post boxes and telephone booths, which are painted a bright, cheerful green.

And don't forget the natural wonders! Fybagh is near the sea, so it has lots of cool seaside features. Plus, it's surrounded by green hills, so there are plenty of great spots for a picnic. The River Ferta also flows near the town, where you might see ducks and swans swimming.

Fybagh, Co. Kerry is a cool place full of surprises. It is a wonderful spot for your next adventure!

  1. What are some plants and animals you might see in Fybagh?
  2. Describe the different types of geographical features you can find in Fybagh, such as the beach and hills.
  3. Using a map of Fybagh, can you trace the path of the River Ferta? What other interesting geographical features can you identify?
  4. What are some traditional elements you can find in the town of Fybagh?
  5. Take a trip to Fybagh or research it online. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in this article? Describe it.

My Family and Fybagh

Hi, I'm Finley and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Fybagh in Co. Kerry. It's so beautiful here, with lots of green fields, sheep and the big blue sea. I love going for walks with my dog, Spot, along the beach. We even see seals sometimes!

My favourite place is Valentia Island. It's not very far from Fybagh and it's full of fantastic sights. We can see the Skellig Islands from there, which are famous because they were in the Star Wars movies! My friends and I pretend we're Jedi knights exploring a distant planet. It's so much fun!

There's also the Tetrapod Trackway on Valentia Island. It's a very old footprint of a creature that lived millions of years ago. I like to imagine what it was like back then. Maybe one day I'll be an explorer or a scientist, who knows?

I feel really lucky to grow up here in Fybagh. It's peaceful but never boring. There's always something to do or see. I can't wait to grow up and see more of this wonderful world!

  1. What is Finley's favourite place and why?
  2. What does Finley like to imagine when at the Tetrapod Trackway?
  3. Can you describe some of the activities Finley enjoys doing in Fybagh?
  4. What does Finley want to be when they grow up?
  5. How does Finley feel about growing up in Fybagh?

The Logainm of Fybagh

Fybagh is a special place in County Kerry, Ireland. The word 'Fybagh' comes from the Irish language, just like lots of places in Ireland. In English, it means 'The Small Wood'. A long time ago, people in Ireland didn't speak English, they spoke Irish! So, they named all the places around them in Irish. Imagine living in a place called 'The Small Wood'. It must have been full of trees!

Back then, people depended on woods for many things. They used wood to build houses and make fire to keep warm. So, 'The Small Wood' would have been an important place for them. It's not full of trees now, but Fybagh still keeps its old Irish name. Isn't that cool?

Even today, we use lots of words that come from Irish. For example, the word 'smithereens' comes from the Irish word 'smidiríní', which means 'little bits'. So, when you're speaking English, you're also speaking a little bit of Irish!

  1. What does 'Fybagh' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think 'The Small Wood' would have been an important place for people long ago?
  3. What language did people in Ireland speak before they spoke English?
  4. Can you think of why Fybagh might not be full of trees now?
  5. Do you know any other English words that come from Irish?

Slideshow - Fybagh
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Fybagh