Section 1

Welcome to our new unit of work on Friendship! In this chapter, we will explore what it means to be a good friend, how to make friends, and how to maintain strong and healthy friendships. Friendship is an important aspect of our lives, as it brings joy, support, and a sense of belonging.

So, what is friendship? Well, friendship is a special bond between people who care about and trust each other. It's about being there for one another, sharing experiences, and enjoying each other's company. Friends are like the stars that light up our lives!

Did you know that friendships can have a positive impact on our overall well-being? Having friends can make us happier, reduce stress, and even improve our self-esteem. It's amazing how a good friend can make us feel better when we're down or celebrate with us when we achieve something great!

Friends come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be found anywhere – at school, in our neighborhoods, or even online. Making friends is an essential part of growing up, as it helps us develop social skills and learn about different perspectives. It's like discovering a treasure trove of diverse personalities and interests!

To build strong friendships, it's important to be a good friend ourselves. This means being kind, understanding, and respectful towards others. It's about being a good listener, offering support, and standing up for our friends when they need us. Remember, friendship is a two-way street, and it takes effort and care from both sides.

Throughout this chapter, we will explore the qualities of a good friend, how to make new friends, and how to handle conflicts that may arise. So get ready to embark on a journey of friendship, where you'll learn, grow, and have lots of fun!

  1. What is friendship?
  2. How can friends make us feel better?
  3. Where can we find friends?
  4. What does it mean to be a good friend?
  5. What will we learn in this chapter?

Section 2

Today was a pretty average day in my life. I woke up early in the morning, feeling groggy and not wanting to get out of bed. But I knew I had to, so I dragged myself out from under the warm covers and got ready for school.

After a quick breakfast, I headed to the bus stop. My best friend, Sarah, was already waiting there for me. We always walk to school together, talking and laughing along the way. It's one of my favorite parts of the day, spending time with Sarah.

Once we reached school, we went to our respective classrooms. I sat down at my desk and greeted my other friends. We chatted and shared stories until the bell rang, signaling the start of the day.

Throughout the day, I had different subjects like Math, Science, English, and Art. Math is not my favorite subject, but I try my best. Science is really interesting, and I love conducting experiments. English is fun because we get to read and write stories. And Art is my absolute favorite! I love getting creative and making beautiful things.

During lunchtime, I sat with my friends in the cafeteria. We shared our food, laughed at silly jokes, and talked about our plans for the weekend. It's always a great time to relax and have fun with my friends.

After school, I went to my extracurricular activity, which is soccer. I enjoy playing sports and being part of a team. It's a great way to stay active and make new friends. Today we had a practice session, and we worked on our passing and shooting skills.

When I got home, I finished my homework and then spent some time playing with my little sister. We built a fort out of blankets and had a pretend adventure. It was so much fun!

  1. What subjects does the child have at school?
  2. Who does the child sit with during lunchtime?
  3. What is the child's favorite extracurricular activity?
  4. What did the child and their little sister do after finishing homework?
  5. What is the child's favorite part of the day?

Section 3

Welcome to the Friendship News! I'm your host, and today we bring you heartwarming stories of friendship that will surely warm your hearts. Let's dive right in!

In our first story, we meet two best friends, Emily and Sarah, who have been inseparable since kindergarten. They share everything, from their lunchboxes to their secrets. Recently, Emily fell ill and had to stay home from school. But Sarah didn't let her friend feel lonely for a second. She visited Emily every day after school and even brought her favorite books to read together. Their friendship reminds us that true friends are always there for each other, no matter what.

Next, we have a story about Alex and Max. These two friends have different interests, but that doesn't stop them from supporting each other. Alex loves playing sports, while Max is more into art. Alex attends Max's art exhibitions, and Max cheers for Alex during sports competitions. They show us that being friends means celebrating each other's passions and encouraging one another.

Now, let's talk about a group of friends who are making a difference in their community. Meet the Kindness Club! This group of friends, led by Mia, organizes events to spread kindness and help those in need. From organizing food drives to visiting nursing homes, these friends show us that friendship can create a positive impact on the world around us.

Our final story is about a special friendship between a girl named Lily and her dog, Buddy. Lily and Buddy do everything together. They go on adventures, play fetch, and even cuddle up for bedtime stories. Their friendship teaches us that friends can come in all shapes and sizes, including our furry friends.

  1. Arrange the letters "NEIDFNSHRIP" to form a word related to the theme of friendship.
  2. Unscramble the letters "FETEACOF" to reveal a type of event organized by the Kindness Club.
  3. Rearrange the letters "GRIND" to form a word that describes the act of supporting and encouraging one another.
  4. Can you unscramble the letters "DEOFRNI" to find a word related to the story of Lily and Buddy?
  5. Arrange the letters "DAMOIS" to reveal a word that describes the bond between Emily and Sarah.

Section 4

One sunny afternoon in a small village in Ireland, a heartwarming event unfolded that celebrated the true essence of friendship. It all started when a young girl named Emma moved to the village with her family. Emma was feeling lonely and nervous about starting a new school, fearing that she wouldn't be able to make any friends.

On her first day, Emma walked into the classroom with a mix of excitement and anxiety. She was greeted by her teacher, Mrs. O'Brien, who introduced her to the rest of the class. The students were curious about the new girl, but one girl named Sarah immediately took it upon herself to make Emma feel welcome.

Throughout the day, Sarah made sure Emma never felt alone. She showed her around the school, introduced her to other classmates, and even sat beside her during lunchtime. Emma couldn't believe her luck in finding such a caring friend so quickly.

As the days turned into weeks, Sarah and Emma became inseparable. They laughed, played, and shared their dreams and secrets with each other. Sarah introduced Emma to her other friends, and together they formed a close-knit group.

One day, Emma overheard a conversation between Sarah and another classmate, Mark. Mark was upset because he had lost his favorite toy, a small teddy bear. He had been searching for it everywhere but couldn't find it.

Emma, remembering how Sarah had made her feel welcome, decided to help Mark. She secretly asked the other classmates for help in finding the lost teddy bear. They formed a search party and scoured the entire school, determined to bring a smile back to Mark's face.

After hours of searching, they finally found the teddy bear hidden in the school garden. The entire class rejoiced, and Mark was overjoyed to be reunited with his beloved toy.

  1. What was the name of the young girl who moved to the village?
  2. What did Sarah do to make Emma feel welcome on her first day?
  3. How did Emma help Mark when she heard about his lost teddy bear?
  4. Where did they eventually find the teddy bear?
  5. Why was Mark so happy when he was reunited with his toy?