Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Pictures of Frida Kahlo, paper, colored pencils

Introduction: Show pictures of Frida Kahlo and ask the children if they know who she is. Explain that Frida Kahlo was an inspirational woman from Mexico who became famous for her paintings.

Development: Discuss where and when Frida Kahlo lived. Show a map of Mexico and explain that she was born in 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City. Talk about her childhood and her struggles with health issues. Show examples of her artwork and discuss her unique style.

Conclusion: Have a class discussion about what the children have learned about Frida Kahlo. Ask them to share any thoughts or questions they have.

Assessment: Ask the children to draw a picture of Frida Kahlo and write a few sentences about what they have learned.
Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Books or online resources about Frida Kahlo, paper, markers

Introduction: Review what the children have learned about Frida Kahlo from the previous lesson. Explain that she made significant contributions to society and culture through her artwork.

Development: Discuss how Frida Kahlo's work reflected her personal experiences and emotions. Show examples of her paintings and discuss the themes and symbolism in her work. Talk about the impact she had on the art world and how her art has influenced other artists.

Conclusion: Have a class discussion about the impact Frida Kahlo had on her time and how her work continues to influence the world. Ask the children to share their thoughts on why her art is still celebrated today.

Assessment: Ask the children to create a drawing or painting inspired by Frida Kahlo's style, incorporating symbols or themes that are meaningful to them.
Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Worksheet with questions about Frida Kahlo, pencils

Introduction: Ask the children to think about how Frida Kahlo's life and work relate to their own lives. Explain that in this lesson, they will explore these connections.

Development: Provide the children with a worksheet containing questions about Frida Kahlo's life, such as "What challenges did she face?" and "How did she express herself through her art?". Allow them time to answer the questions individually or in pairs.

Conclusion: Have a class discussion to share and compare the children's answers. Encourage them to discuss how they can relate to Frida Kahlo's experiences or find inspiration in her art.

Assessment: Collect the completed worksheets and review the children's responses to assess their understanding of the connections between Frida Kahlo's life and their own lives.
Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6
Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Timeline template (printed or drawn), pictures or descriptions of key events in Frida Kahlo's life

Introduction: Explain that in this lesson, the children will create a timeline of Frida Kahlo's life to help them understand the chronology of her experiences.

Development: Show the children pictures or descriptions of key events in Frida Kahlo's life, such as her birth, marriage to Diego Rivera, and major artistic achievements. Discuss the importance of these events and their impact on Frida Kahlo's life and career.

Conclusion: Provide the children with a timeline template and ask them to arrange the events in chronological order. Encourage them to add illustrations or captions to enhance their timelines.

Assessment: Assess the children's completed timelines for accuracy and understanding of the chronological order of Frida Kahlo's life events.
Time allocation: 60 minutes
Resources needed: Art supplies (e.g. paper, colored pencils, paint), Frida Kahlo's paintings as visual references

Introduction: Remind the children of Frida Kahlo's unique artistic style and the themes she explored in her paintings. Explain that in this lesson, they will have the opportunity to create their own artwork inspired by Frida Kahlo.

Development: Show examples of Frida Kahlo's paintings and discuss the emotions and symbolism portrayed in her art. Encourage the children to think about their own emotions and experiences that they could express in their artwork.

Conclusion: Provide the children with art supplies and allow them time to create their own artwork inspired by Frida Kahlo. Encourage them to experiment with colors, symbols, and personal expression.

Assessment: Assess the children's completed artwork based on their understanding of Frida Kahlo's style, use of symbolism, and their ability to express their own emotions and experiences.