Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Projector, images of Francisco Goya's artwork, pencils, paper

Introduction: Introduce Francisco Goya as a famous artist and show images of his artwork. Focus on The Third of May 1808 and discuss its significance.

Development: Engage students in a discussion about the artwork and its meaning. Ask questions to encourage critical thinking and understanding.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed and emphasize the importance of Francisco Goya's artwork.

Assessment: Assess students' participation and understanding during the discussion.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Paints, paintbrushes, paper, The Third of May 1808 image

Introduction: Recap the previous lesson and focus on the art medium Francisco Goya is best known for.

Development: Demonstrate different painting techniques using Goya's artwork as inspiration. Allow students to experiment with the medium.

Conclusion: Discuss the students' experience working with the medium and encourage them to reflect on how it compares to other art forms.

Assessment: Assess students' ability to use the art medium effectively and creatively.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Images of original artwork inspired by The Third of May 1808, pencils, paper

Introduction: Show examples of original artwork inspired by Goya's painting.

Development: Guide students in examining the elements that make these artworks inspired by The Third of May 1808. Discuss composition, color choices, and emotions conveyed.

Conclusion: Encourage students to create their own written or drawn analysis comparing the original artwork to Goya's painting.

Assessment: Assess students' ability to analyze and identify the key elements that make an artwork inspired by The Third of May 1808.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Paints, paintbrushes, paper, The Third of May 1808 image

Introduction: Remind students of Goya's painting and the previous lessons.

Development: Guide students in creating their own painting inspired by The Third of May 1808. Encourage them to incorporate the techniques learned in lesson 2.

Conclusion: Provide an opportunity for students to share their artwork in an interesting way, such as through a classroom gallery or presentation.

Assessment: Assess students' ability to create an artwork inspired by The Third of May 1808 using the techniques learned.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Paper, markers, colored pencils, The Third of May 1808 image

Introduction: Recap the previous lessons and focus on the importance of sharing artwork.

Development: Guide students in creating a collaborative mural inspired by The Third of May 1808. Each student can contribute a section.

Conclusion: Display the completed mural in a prominent area of the school to share students' work with the wider community.

Assessment: Assess students' ability to contribute to the collaborative mural and their understanding of the importance of sharing artwork.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Paper, markers, colored pencils, The Third of May 1808 image

Introduction: Reflect on the previous lessons and discuss the impact of Francisco Goya's artwork.

Development: Engage students in a group discussion about their favorite aspects of Goya's painting and what they have learned throughout the lessons.

Conclusion: Encourage students to create a personal artwork inspired by Goya's style or subject matter.

Assessment: Assess students' ability to reflect on their learning and create a personal artwork inspired by Francisco Goya.