Welcome to Fough East

Fough East is a little area, called a townland, in County Galway, Ireland. It's not a big city like Dublin but it's a place full of stories and history.

Long, long ago, Fough East was just a big patch of green land. Over the years, people came and started to live there, building houses and farms. They used the nearby river for water and fishing. It was peaceful and calm.

The big event in Fough East's history is that it became part of the Ashford Castle's estate. A castle! Yes, a real castle like you see in fairy tales. The castle owners used the land of Fough East to grow food and raise animals. This helped the castle to always have fresh and yummy food.

Even though no big battles or famous kings are from Fough East, it's still an important part of history. The people living there helped to feed the castle's residents and guests for many years. So, even a small place like Fough East can have a big role in history!

Wouldn't it be fun to visit Fough East and imagine living in a time where castles were homes?

  1. What is a townland?
  2. What was Fough East before people started living there?
  3. What is the big event in Fough East's history?
  4. Why is Fough East an important part of history?
  5. What would you do if you visited Fough East and how would you feel living in a time where castles were homes?

All About Fough East

Welcome, young explorers, to Fough East, a magical place in County Galway, Ireland! This area is filled with wonderful natural beauty. The land is painted with vibrant green fields and dotted with charming houses.

One of the coolest things about Fough East is Lough Corrib, a beautiful lake that shimmers like a mirror. It's home to many different fishes, birds, and even playful otters! If you're lucky, you might spot a heron standing tall by the water or a playful otter swimming about.

The streets of Fough East are quiet and peaceful. They wind through the countryside, passing by farms and fields. If you take a walk, you might meet a friendly sheep or two!

There are also some lovely mountains nearby, including the majestic Maumturks. They're really tall, but don't worry, they're not scary! They're covered in soft, green grass, and are perfect for a fun day of exploring.

Fough East is a place where nature sings a beautiful song. From the buzzing bees in the colourful flowers to the whispering wind through the trees, there's always something new to discover. So put on your explorer's hat, grab your binoculars, and come join the adventure!

  1. What types of wildlife can be found at Lough Corrib?
  2. Describe the landscape of Fough East.
  3. Name one geographical feature you would like to visit in Fough East and explain why.
  4. Using a map of Fough East, can you trace a path from Lough Corrib to the Maumturks mountains?
  5. Explore the area of Fough East yourself. What geographical feature did you find most interesting and why?

My Family and Fough East

Hi, I'm Ollie and I'm 8 years old! I live in a beautiful place called Fough East Co. Galway. It's a really lovely place to grow up. There are lots of green fields and friendly people. I love running around the fields with my friends, we play lots of games like tag and hide and seek.

One of my favourite places here is the old windmill. It's really tall, and when the wind blows, the sails go round and round. It looks like a giant spinning top! I also like visiting the local farm. They have lots of cows and sheep, and sometimes I get to feed them!

I also love going to school, it's just a short walk from my house. We learn lots of interesting things. My favourite subject is art, I love drawing pictures of the windmill and the farm animals.

Even though it's a small village, there's always something to do or see in Fough East Co. Galway. I'm really lucky to live here. It's the best place to grow up!

  1. What is the name of the place where Ollie lives?
  2. What are some of the activities that Ollie enjoys doing with friends?
  3. Describe the old windmill that Ollie talks about.
  4. What animals does Ollie see at the local farm?
  5. What is Ollie’s favourite subject at school and why?

The Logainm of Fough East

Do you know the place called Fough East in Co. Galway? It's a special place with a very special name. 'Fough' is an Irish name, and it means 'a hill'. So, when we say 'Fough East', it's like saying 'East Hill' in English! Imagine living on a hill that looks towards the rising sun every day.

Names have histories, just like people and places. Long ago, people in Ireland spoke only Irish, and they named places based on what they saw. So, they must have seen a hill here and named it 'Fough'. As time went on, people began to use English more, but the old Irish names stayed, reminding us of our history and our connection to the land.

Today, Fough East is still a lovely hill in Co. Galway. Even though we might not speak as much Irish as we used to, names like Fough East help keep the Irish language alive. It's like a living history lesson, right there in the name of the place!

  1. What does 'Fough' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the people long ago named it 'Fough'?
  3. How does the name 'Fough East' keep our history and the Irish language alive?
  4. Can you think of any other place names that might have a meaning in Irish?
  5. Why is it important to remember and use the original Irish names of places?

Slideshow - Fough East
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Fough East