Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Objective 1: Explore the basic geography of Finland 45 minutes World map, pictures of Finnish landscapes Show a world map and locate Finland. Discuss its position in Europe. Show pictures of Finnish landscapes and discuss the climate, lakes, and forests in Finland. Ask students to share what they know or have heard about Finland. Recap the main geographical features of Finland. Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts. Observe students' participation during discussions and their ability to recall information about Finland's geography.
Objective 2: Identify at least 3 facts about Helsinki 60 minutes Pictures of Helsinki, paper, markers Introduce Helsinki as the capital city of Finland. Show pictures of Helsinki. Discuss with students what they notice in the pictures and what they think life is like in Helsinki. Provide additional information about Helsinki's history, culture, and attractions. Ask students to write down at least 3 facts they have learned about Helsinki. Have students share their facts about Helsinki with the class. Summarize the main points about Helsinki and answer any questions. Assess students' ability to identify and recall facts about Helsinki in their written responses.
Objective 3: Identify 1 famous landmark in Finland outside of Helsinki 45 minutes Pictures of Finnish landmarks, paper, pencils Ask students if they know any famous landmarks in Finland. Show pictures of Finnish landmarks. Discuss each landmark and its significance. Ask students to choose one landmark they find interesting and write a short description of it. Invite students to share their chosen landmarks and descriptions with the class. Discuss the variety of landmarks in Finland and their importance. Evaluate students' ability to identify and describe a famous landmark in Finland in their written descriptions.
Objective 4: Produce a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Finland 90 minutes Brochures about Finland, paper, colored pencils, markers Introduce the concept of a tour guide and explain its purpose. Show brochures about Finland as examples of tour guides. Discuss the main attractions, landmarks, and activities a tourist might want to experience in Finland. Brainstorm ideas as a class and ask students to choose a specific region or city in Finland to focus on for their tour guide. Give students time to create their own tour guide for their chosen destination in Finland. Encourage them to include information about places to visit, things to do, and interesting facts. Assess students' tour guides based on their creativity, organization, and inclusion of relevant information about their chosen destination in Finland.