I'm an AI language model and unable to create an HTML table but I can provide the information you need to fill in your table. Here are your lesson plans: **Lesson 1: History of Finglas South Dublin** - Time Allocation: 45 minutes - Resources Needed: Internet access, Projector, Paper and Pencils - Introduction: Brief introduction to the history of Finglas South Dublin focusing on the origin of the placename. - Development: 1. Show a short video about the history of Finglas. 2. Discussion about the origin of the placename. 3. Children write a short essay on what they learned. - Conclusion: Recap the main points from the video and discussion. - Assessment: Evaluation of the essays. **Lesson 2: Notable Person - Brendan Behan** - Time Allocation: 45 minutes - Resources Needed: Book excerpts, Internet access - Introduction: Introduction to Brendan Behan, a famous Irish writer who lived in Finglas. - Development: 1. Reading a short biography of Brendan Behan. 2. Discussion about his works and influence. 3. Children write a poem inspired by Behan’s style. - Conclusion: Recap of Behan's life and works. - Assessment: Evaluation of the poems. **Lesson 3: Natural Geography of Finglas** - Time Allocation: 45 minutes - Resources Needed: Maps, Internet access - Introduction: Introduction to the natural geography of Finglas including the River Tolka. - Development: 1. Examination of maps showing the river and other geographical features. 2. Discussion about how these features have shaped Finglas. 3. Children draw their own map of the area. - Conclusion: Recap of the geographical features of Finglas. - Assessment: Evaluation of the maps. **Lesson 4: Mapping Skills** - Time Allocation: 45 minutes - Resources Needed: Maps, Compasses - Introduction: Introduction to mapping skills. - Development: 1. Explanation and demonstration of how to use a compass and read a map. 2. Children practice these skills by finding specified locations on a map. 3. They then create their own simple map of the school premises. - Conclusion: Recap of mapping skills and their importance. - Assessment: Evaluation of the maps and the children's ability to use a compass and read a map. **Lesson 5: Biodiversity and Conservation** - Time Allocation: 60 minutes - Resources Needed: Internet access, Projector - Introduction: Introduction to the concept of biodiversity and its importance. - Development: 1. Show a short video about local biodiversity. 2. Discussion about the importance of protecting biodiversity. 3. Children brainstorm ideas for how they can help conserve the local environment. - Conclusion: Recap of the importance of biodiversity and conservation. - Assessment: Evaluation of the brainstormed ideas. **Lesson 6: Visual Arts** - Time Allocation: 60 minutes - Resources Needed: Art supplies - Introduction: Introduction to using the local area as inspiration for artwork. - Development: 1. Children go outside and choose a scene from the local area to draw or paint. 2. They spend the rest of the lesson creating their artwork. 3. Display the artworks in the classroom. - Conclusion: Recap of the importance of using local environments as artistic inspiration. - Assessment: Evaluation of the artwork and the children's ability to use the local area as inspiration.