Welcome to Finglas South

Finglas South is a special area called a townland in County Dublin, Ireland. It's like a small piece of a big puzzle that makes up the whole country! Finglas South has a long history.

Did you know, hundreds of years ago, there were monks living here? Monks are people who devote their lives to prayer and work. They lived in a place called a monastery, and the one in Finglas South was very important. It was so important that the High King of Ireland visited in 560 AD! That's over 1,400 years ago. Imagine, a king walking the same streets you might walk on today!

Though we don't have kings visiting now, Finglas South is still special. It's a place where families live, children play, and people do their shopping. Just like the monks from long ago, people in Finglas South are part of their community, working and living together.

So, the next time you walk around Finglas South, remember the monks and the High King, and imagine what life was like all those years ago!

  1. What is a townland? Give an example.
  2. Who were the monks and where did they live in Finglas South?
  3. What special visitor came to the monastery in Finglas South in 560 AD?
  4. How does the description of Finglas South in the past compare to Finglas South today?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember the history of where we live?

All About Finglas South

Welcome, young explorers, to Finglas South, a lively neighbourhood in County Dublin, Ireland! This place is full of interesting stuff to discover. Let's take an imaginary stroll!

We start on Seamus Ennis Road, named after a famous Irish musician. If you're lucky, you might spot some playful squirrels scampering up trees! Aren't they adorable?

Next, we reach Finglas Village, buzzing with friendly people and colourful shops. Notice the benches and lamp posts? They're called street furniture. Cool name, right?

Finglas South is also home to some beautiful parks like Tolka Valley Park. There, you'll find all sorts of trees, like oak and ash, and if you're quiet, you might see some rabbits nibbling on grass!

The Tolka River flows gracefully through this park. Did you know some rivers have fish? The Tolka River is one of them! Maybe you'll see some splashing around!

We don't have mountains in Finglas South, but we do have gentle hills that are just as fun to roll down!

So, that's our little tour of Finglas South, a place full of fun streets, parks, and animals. Isn't geography exciting?.

  1. What is the name of the road we started our journey on and who is it named after?
  2. What is the name of the park in Finglas South and what types of trees can you find there?
  3. What type of animals might you see in Tolka Valley Park?
  4. Using a map of Finglas South, can you find and name two other streets in the area?
  5. Go on your own adventure in Finglas South! Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in this article? What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Finglas South

Hi, my name is Max, and I'm 8 years old! I live in Finglas South, Co. Dublin. It's a really cool place to grow up! My favourite place in the whole wide world is the John Paul Park. It's got the biggest playground ever and lots of ducks in the pond. I love to feed them with my friend Jamie. We have so much fun!

Another place I love is the Botanic Gardens. It's not too far from where I live. The flowers are so pretty, and there's even a waterfall! Mum says it's a great place for learning about plants and stuff. I like to draw the flowers and trees.

There's also a big church called the Church of the Annunciation. It's super tall and I think it might be the tallest building in Finglas! I like going there with my Granny on Sundays. It's so quiet and peaceful.

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. Finglas is my home and I really love it here. Bye for now!

  1. What is Max's favourite place in Finglas South, Co. Dublin?
  2. Who does Max like to feed the ducks with at John Paul Park?
  3. What does Max like to do at the Botanic Gardens?
  4. Who does Max go to the Church of the Annunciation with?
  5. Why does Max like going to the Church of the Annunciation?

The Logainm of Finglas South

Finglas South is a special place in County Dublin, Ireland. Its name might sound a bit funny, but it tells a story. Finglas, in Irish, is "Fionnghlas", which means "clear stream". Many years ago, there were lots of clear streams in this area, which is how it got its name!

One famous person associated with Finglas is Jonathan Swift, the writer of "Gulliver's Travels". He was the vicar, or head of the church, in Finglas for a while. So, the streams of Finglas might have inspired his stories!

Today, Finglas South is a busy place with many homes, shops, and schools. But if you listen closely, you might still hear the echo of the clear streams in the laughter of the children playing in the parks. And who knows, maybe a future famous writer is growing up in Finglas South now, getting ready to tell their own stories about this interesting place.

  1. What does the name "Finglas" mean in English?
  2. Why do you think Finglas was named after a "clear stream"?
  3. Can you name a famous person who once lived in Finglas and what they are known for?
  4. How has Finglas South changed from the past to the present?
  5. What do you imagine Finglas South might be like in the future?

Slideshow - Finglas South
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Finglas South