Here are the 6 individual lesson plans in HTML table format: ```html
Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
60 minutes Books about Fettercairn Dublin, internet access Introduction to the history of Fettercairn Dublin, focusing on the logainm of the placename. Activity 1: Class discussion about the history. Activity 2: Research project about the logainm of the placename. Activity 3: Presentation about their findings. Summary of the history of Fettercairn Dublin and its placename Assess the research project and the presentation
60 minutes Biographies of notable person, internet access Introduction to a notable person from the area Activity 1: Discussion about the notable person. Activity 2: Research project about the notable person. Activity 3: Role-play of a day in the life of the notable person. Summary of the notable person's contributions and importance Assess the research project and the role-play
60 minutes Maps and photos of Fettercairn Dublin, internet access Introduction to the natural geography of Fettercairn Dublin Activity 1: Class discussion about the geography. Activity 2: Research project about the natural geography. Activity 3: Presentation about their findings. Summary of the natural geography of Fettercairn Dublin Assess the research project and the presentation
60 minutes Maps of Fettercairn Dublin, drawing materials Introduction to mapping skills Activity 1: Class discussion about maps. Activity 2: Draw a map of Fettercairn Dublin. Activity 3: Present their maps to the class. Summary of mapping skills and their importance Assess the maps and presentations
60 minutes Books about biodiversity, internet access Introduction to biodiversity in Fettercairn Dublin Activity 1: Class discussion about biodiversity. Activity 2: Research project about local biodiversity. Activity 3: Presentation about their findings. Summary of biodiversity in Fettercairn Dublin and its importance Assess the research project and presentation
60 minutes Art supplies, photos of Fettercairn Dublin Introduction to using the local area as an inspiration for art Activity 1: Class discussion about art. Activity 2: Create a piece of art inspired by Fettercairn Dublin. Activity 3: Present their artwork to the class. Summary of how local areas can inspire art Assess the artwork and presentations
``` Please note that the table format provided is a basic HTML layout and does not contain any styling or advanced features. The duration of each lesson is set for 60 minutes, which can be adjusted to fit your specific needs.