Welcome to Fettercairn

Fettercairn is a lovely little townland located in Scotland. The history of Fettercairn is quite interesting, even if it's not filled with big events. It's a place that has grown and changed over many years!

Long ago, people in Fettercairn lived by farming, just like many other small towns in Scotland. The name 'Fettercairn' itself means 'the foot of the mountain', because it's nestled right at the base of a mountain range. Makes sense, right?

Here's a fun fact for you! There was once a very important person who visited Fettercairn. Queen Victoria, a queen of the United Kingdom long ago, came to Fettercairn in the year 1861. Isn't that exciting?

Even though it's a small town, Fettercairn is known for its whisky distillery, which has been around since 1824. Of course, whisky is something for grown-ups, but it's interesting to know that people have been making it in your town for almost 200 years!

So, you see, every place, no matter how small, has its own unique history. And that's the story of Fettercairn, a charming place at the foot of the mountain!

  1. What does the name 'Fettercairn' mean?
  2. Who was the very important person who visited Fettercairn in 1861?
  3. What is Fettercairn known for?
  4. Why do you think the whisky distillery is important to Fettercairn's history?
  5. If you could visit Fettercairn, what would you like to see and why?

All About Fettercairn

Fettercairn is a lovely small village tucked away in Scotland. Imagine the most beautiful painting of nature; that's Fettercairn for you! One of the cool places is called the 'Arch', a big stone gateway that looks like a giant rainbow made of rock. The village is surrounded by tall, majestic mountains, with the highest one named Mount Keen. It's so high it could touch the sky! There's also a pretty river called the North Esk River, where you might spot some fish playing in the water if you're lucky.

Fettercairn is also home to lots of amazing plants and animals. You could see red squirrels scurrying around, and if you're really lucky, you might even spot a roe deer! The area is filled with beautiful Scottish flowers, like purple thistles and bluebells, that paint the landscape in bright colors. The main street is like a scene from a storybook, with charming houses and shops. There's even an old-fashioned red post box that everyone in the village uses to send letters.

So, Fettercairn is not just a place, it's a magical little corner of the world full of wonderful surprises!.

  1. What is the name of the tallest mountain in Fettercairn?
  2. Describe the 'Arch' mentioned in the text. What does it look like and where is it located?
  3. Using a map of Scotland, find Fettercairn and describe its location relative to other significant cities or landmarks.
  4. What types of plants and animals can you find in Fettercairn? Name at least three.
  5. Explore the area of Fettercairn yourself, either through a virtual tour or a physical visit if possible. Identify and describe one geographical feature not mentioned in the text.

My Family and Fettercairn

Hi! I’m Gabe and I’m 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Fettercairn! My friends and I love to explore around our town.

One of the best places is the Fettercairn Arch. It’s super big and really old. Sometimes, we pretend it’s a portal to another world. It’s super fun!

Another place we like is the Distillery. My dad says they make something called whisky there. I don’t really know what that is, but the building is huge and smells kind of funny.

We also have a park called Fasque Castle. It’s not really a castle but it’s still fun. We have picnics there and play hide and seek. Once, I hid so well, my friends couldn’t find me for ages!

So, that’s a little bit about me and where I live. I can’t wait to tell you more about my adventures in Fettercairn!

  1. Why do you think Gabe and his friends pretend the Fettercairn Arch is a portal to another world?
  2. What does the Distillery in Fettercairn produce according to Gabe?
  3. How do you imagine the smell of the distillery based on Gabe's description?
  4. What activities does Gabe and his friends do in Fasque Castle?
  5. Can you share a time when you hid so well in a game of hide and seek like Gabe did?

The Logainm of Fettercairn

Fettercairn is a very interesting name. It's a Scottish name and it translates into English as 'the foot of the mountain'. Just like its name, the place is located at the base of the Grampian Mountains in Scotland. The name Fettercairn has a long history. The translation of the name tells us about the geography of the place and the people living there. A long time ago, people chose names for places based on what they could see around them. So, when they saw a village at the foot of a mountain, they called it 'Fettercairn'! Today, Fettercairn is still at the foot of the mountain and the people living there love its history and the beautiful views of the mountains.

  1. What does the name 'Fettercairn' mean in English?
  2. Where is Fettercairn located?
  3. Why do you think people long time ago named the village 'Fettercairn'?
  4. Why is the translation of the name Fettercairn important to its history?
  5. How is the name 'Fettercairn' still relevant to the village today?

Slideshow - Fettercairn
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Fettercairn