Lesson 1: Story of Festival of Ridván

Objective: The child should learn about the story of Festival of Ridván celebrated in Baha'ism, its roots and history.

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Storybooks about Baha'ism, pictures of Ridván Garden

Introduction: Introduce the concept of Festival of Ridván and explain its significance in Baha'i faith.

Development: Read a story about Ridván Garden and discuss its historical importance.

Conclusion: Recap the story and ask students to share their thoughts about the significance of Ridván.

Assessment: Ask students to draw a picture of Ridván Garden and explain its relevance.

Lesson 2: Exploring Symbols and Traditions

Objective: The child should explore the symbols and traditions of Festival of Ridván celebrated in Baha'ism.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Art supplies, images of Ridván Festival decorations

Introduction: Show pictures of Ridván Festival decorations and discuss their significance.

Development: Allow students to create their own symbols of Ridván using art supplies.

Conclusion: Display and discuss the symbols created by students, connecting them to the festival's traditions.

Assessment: Evaluate students' creations based on their understanding of Ridván symbols.

Lesson 3: Connecting Ridván to Daily Life

Objective: The child should connect Festival of Ridván celebrated in Baha'ism to the child’s life.

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

Resources Needed: Reflection worksheets, pens/pencils

Introduction: Discuss the values celebrated during Ridván and how they relate to students' lives.

Development: Ask students to write or draw their reflections on how they can embody Ridván values in their daily life.

Conclusion: Share and discuss students' reflections, highlighting the relevance of Ridván in their lives.

Assessment: Review students' reflections and provide feedback on their understanding of connecting Ridván to their daily life.

Lesson 4: Exploring Ridván Concepts

Objective: The child should explore the concepts of Festival of Ridván celebrated in Baha'ism.

Time Allocation: 60 minutes

Resources Needed: Concept cards, whiteboard/markers

Introduction: Introduce key concepts of Ridván such as unity, renewal, and joy.

Development: Divide students into groups and have them discuss and present their understanding of each concept.

Conclusion: Summarize the discussions and emphasize the importance of these concepts in Ridván celebration.

Assessment: Evaluate group presentations based on their grasp of Ridván concepts.