Welcome to Fermoy

Fermoy is a lovely townland in County Cork, Ireland. It's got a lot of history, just like an old storybook!

Did you know, Fermoy was originally a French settlement? Yes, it's true! A group of French fishermen set up a camp here in the 13th century, and they called it "Le Ferme", which means "The Farm" in French. Over time, the name changed to Fermoy.

One exciting thing about Fermoy is that it was a major military base in the 19th century. Huge barracks were built for soldiers to live and train, and many battles were planned from here. It must have been a very busy and noisy place back then!

In the heart of Fermoy flows a beautiful river called the Blackwater. This river was important for trading, and ships would sail up and down carrying goods to sell.

Today, Fermoy is a peaceful town full of friendly people. The old barracks are now used as schools and offices, and the river is a favourite spot for fishing and boating. If you ever visit, you can feel the history all around you!

  1. Who originally settled in Fermoy?
  2. What was Fermoy used for in the 19th century?
  3. What is the name of the river that flows through Fermoy?
  4. Why do you think the river was important for trading?
  5. Imagine you are visiting Fermoy today. What activities could you do there based on the information in the text?

All About Fermoy

Fermoy is a vibrant town in the heart of County Cork, Ireland. It's nestled along the banks of the beautiful River Blackwater, where swans often glide and fish like trout and salmon swim.

The town has several wonderful streets, but the most famous one is Patrick Street filled with colourful shops and friendly people. There is even a lovely park, Fitzgerald Park, just perfect for playing and picnics.

Fermoy isn't just a town; it's surrounded by green fields and hills, making it a home for many plants and animals. You can spot creatures like foxes, rabbits, and different types of birds. The town even has its own woodland, Corrin Wood, with towering trees and pretty wildflowers.

There are no mountains in Fermoy, but just a short drive away are the Galtee Mountains, the highest inland range in Ireland! What a sight they are!

Fermoy is also known for its beautiful old bridge that crosses the River Blackwater. The bridge is an important part of Fermoy's history and a great place to watch the water flow by.

Fermoy is a wonderful place to explore, with lots of beauty and adventure right at your fingertips!

  1. What is the most famous street in Fermoy and what can you find there?
  2. Name two types of wildlife that you might spot in Fermoy.
  3. Describe the geographical features of the area surrounding Fermoy.
  4. Using a map, identify the location of Fermoy in relation to the Galtee Mountains.
  5. Explore the area around Fermoy and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text. What is it and why did you find it interesting?

My Family and Fermoy

Hi, I'm Zane and I'm 8 years old. I live in Fermoy Co. Cork and it's really cool! We have lots of amazing things here. There's this super big bridge that crosses the Blackwater River, it's called Fermoy Bridge. I love to watch the water rushing underneath it. Sometimes, my friends and I race leaves on the river and see whose leaf travels fastest.

Close to my house is a big castle, it's called Fermoy Castle, but it's more like a huge house than a castle. I like to imagine how it was when knights and princesses lived there. We also have a beautiful park, called Fitzgerald's Park. It's my favorite place to play football with my friends and have picnics with my family.

We also have a lovely church called Christ Church. It’s really old and has a tall spire that you can see from all over town. I love Fermoy Co. Cork - it's the best place to grow up!

  1. Can you describe the Fermoy Bridge?
  2. What would you imagine when you look at the Fermoy Castle?
  3. What activities do you enjoy doing in Fitzgerald's Park?
  4. What makes Christ Church special in Fermoy Co. Cork?
  5. Why do you think Fermoy Co. Cork is the best place to grow up?

The Logainm of Fermoy

Fermoy is a town located in County Cork, Ireland. The name 'Fermoy' is an English form of the Irish name 'Mainistir Fhear Maí', which means 'Monastery of the Men of the Plain'. The town got its name from a Cistercian abbey founded there in the 13th century. The monks who lived there were known as the men of the plain.

Long ago, these monks would work, pray, and help people in the community. They would also write books and create beautiful art. The monastery they lived in became a very important place in Fermoy. Sadly, the original monastery is not there anymore, but the town still carries its name as a memory of the past.

Today, Fermoy is a vibrant town filled with schools, shops, and parks. The River Blackwater runs through it, just like it did back in the monks' time. Even though the monastery is gone, the name 'Fermoy' reminds us of its history and the monks who once lived there.

  1. What does the name 'Fermoy' mean in English?
  2. Who founded the monastery in Fermoy?
  3. What did the monks do in the community?
  4. What is still present in Fermoy that was there during the monks' time?
  5. How does the name 'Fermoy' connect the town to its past?

Slideshow - Fermoy
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Fermoy